Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Jonathan frowned. "The bin was empty yesterday though, wasn't it? Does that mean someone had it after Monokuma took away all the food?"
Calvin thought what he was going to say was fine, until he realised that that wouldn't explain how the wrapper got there. He was the first to leave the kitchen, too, which would have meant that only he would have had plenty of time to eat the chocolate bar. Say you forgot to take a book back to the library, he thought, And then you realised you had an empty chocolate bar wrapper in your pocket from yesterday and put that in the bin there. This lie seemed more believable to him than what he was originally going to say.
Vick noticed the closet. "Ohhhhhh, maybe there is a closer demon in there." He said, then tapped on the door creepily. "Hellllo!" He said, pushing it open.
Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me... Calvin was so scared that he had tears in his eyes.
Vick nodded at Jonathan, whispering to him. "Help me with the punishment." He said, then swung the door open. "I FOUND YOU!!!"
Misa slowly inched out of the room, while Vick was preoccupied with Calvin. She figured she might be able to leave and hide elsewhere, until she bumped into Jonathan blocking the doorway, stopping her. Now she couldn't leave, and would probably have to face Vick's torture too.
Calvin screamed, then started laughing when Vick tickled him. Wh-what?! I thought he was going to actually hurt me!
Vick let go of Calvin, then went to Misa, tickling her, but not as forcefully as he thought as she was a girl it might of been considered 'inappropriate'. "You're on our side now!" He smirked. "Anyway, what do you guys know about this?" Vick said showing them the wrapper.
"From the rubbish bin. I'm not sure who are it, but we can work it out when we find the others." He said walking out the room. "We should split up." He said, but before he left, he put a firm hand on Calvin's shoulder, gripping tightly. "But just to bed certain, it wasn't you, was it Calvin, who doomed us all?"
"N-no..." Tell him. "...It was from yesterday. I... I found it in my pocket earlier, s-so I put it in the bin... I must've forgotten... to do it yesterday..."
Vick looked between the boy and Jonathan. Me and Jonathan were the last two people in the library last night... "Okay, now let's find the others!" Vick headed off to the stage room. "We should split up."