Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

James rolled his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous." (Tutor)

"Are you sure it's ridiculous?" Misa asked. "That would explain why she's ill all of the time. Even Syo felt bad, and she's definitely not just being a baby."

Asuna and Jonathan made it back to the kitchen with a first aid it, and Asuna sat down to clean the cut on her right hand and bandage it up, a little messy since she was using her 'wrong' hand to do it.
(What time is your free?)

(For the next 2 hours)

- - - Post Merge - - -

James shook his head, getting up. "Pfft, no that's impossible... I think..." He shrugged. "Anyway it's getting later, we shouldn't use any more energy since-"
"Yeah, let's sleep." Vick cut in getting up. "We can discuss the magic chocolate wrapper tomorrow."
(ah okay. I've got like 15 minutes left)

"It's magic now?" Asuna asked, trying off the bandage.

"Vick has a point, we should sleep," Jonathan said. "It's not like there's much to do right now anyway."
(*the next morning*)
Leigh woke up, yawning, she felt her stomach rumble. "I want my cocoa pops..." She muttered and headed into the kitchen.
Jonathan woke up, stretching and rubbing his eyes. He got up and started to head towards the kitchen. Even without food, it seemed to be their meet up place. On the way, he spotted one of the bedroom doors open. This seemed odd, do Jonathan went in to see what was going on. "Uh, guys?" he shouted. "You should probably come see this!"

Willow, woken by Jonathan, went to see whag was going on. She found him inside one of the bedrooms, staring at Benny slumped against the wall.
(Benny nuuuuuuuuuuu ;-; he is flying his spaceship in heaven now)
"A body had been discovered! Got have 2 hours then the class trial will begin!" Monokuma played over the intercom. "And as a reward, after the trial your food will return to normal."
Vick awoken by the sound of the others ran into the the bedroom. "Oh dear..."

- - - Post Merge - - -

James, handcuffed to Misa entered the room. James sighed. "I'm very disappointed."
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Misa came into the room with James. "Oh God... Not again..." She muttered. "Was no food really enough to- Wait, how come there's no blood?" Misa asked. Usually there was blood everywhere, or a bloody kbife or something, but she couldn't see any of that.

Jonathan pointed to Benny's right arm. "There's a small patch there. I don't know what from though, that can't have been what killed him..."

Asuna walked in, woken by everyone else. "...What's going on?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.
Alex looked at the arm. "This is strange..."

- - - Post Merge - - -

James looked at Asuna. "Someone has been murdered... And whoever did it didn't even bother try and let me help!"
"Why would you even want to help kill someone?" Asuna asked. "Haven't you done enough if that already anyway?"

"It doesn't look big enough for a knife," Jonathan said, looking at the small blood patch. "It's almost like he was... I don't know, injected with something?"
Calvin woke up. When he went out of his room, he saw everyone in and around Benny's room. "...What happened...?"
"...Someone else was killed," Asuna told Calvin when he came in.

"Whatever happened, the killer thought ahead to clean up after themselves. It doesn't even look like there was much of a struggle in here," Jonathan said.

"Hey guys?" Misa asked. "What's pan... pancru... pancurm... uh, does anyone even know what that says?" She pointed to a small glass bottle, in the bin near where she was standing. There was a label on it with 'Pancuronium Bromide' on the front.
"Wh-what?! ...I guess it had to happen sooner or later, though... or we'd all die..." He then saw Misa pointing to a bottle. "Uhh... that says... 'Pancuromonium Bromide'...?" he said while reading from the label on the bottle slowly, clearly struggling to read it. "I have no idea what that is... Poison, maybe...?"
"Pomegranate Brownies?" James said confused.
"Can you read? It clearly says Pancuronium Bromade." Alex crossed her arms.
Leigh shook her head. "Actually it is pronounced Pancuronium Bromide."