Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"I think that's usually used as an anaesthetic, isn't it?" Asuna asked. "Like in hospitals and stuff?"

Jonathan thought for a moment. "I think it's also one of the chemicals they use in lethal injections on criminals. That could've been what killed Benny."

Misa peeked into the closet past Leigh. "...Wow. When did he manage that?"
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"Do you know if it was painful? To die that way?" Alex asked sympathetically.
"Eddie told me all about how Benny wanted to make a spaceship, since they spent so much time together." Leigh said, the shut the closet door. "It's not like we can use it to fly out the school though."
"...The killer probably got it from one of the science classrooms or something... But I'm not too sure if they would really... keep something so dangerous in there..."
"Do you know if it was painful? To die that way?" Alex asked sympathetically.
"Eddie told me all about how Benny wanted to make a spaceship, since they spent so much time together." Leigh said, the shut the closet door. "It's not like we can use it to fly out the school though."

"A lethal injection is designed to kill the person painlessly. It's supposed to be more than one chemical though, I don't know what it'd be like without the other stuff," Jonathan replied.

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"...The killer probably got it from one of the science classrooms or something... But I'm not too sure if they would really... keep something so dangerous in there..."

"Probably not normally, but Monokuma is in charge here," Misa pointed out. "I wouldn't put it past him."
"...I guess you're right... You know, maybe we should also try looking in the science classrooms... incase the killer did get them from one of them..."
Leigh nodded. "Calvin, we don't have long so we should split up. You check the science rooms with Misa." Leigh said taking charge.

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Usami popped up. "A-Another murder! T-That's terrible!" She cried. "Why can't everyone here just get along like you were supposed to!"
"...B-but then we'd all die! Monocreep hid all the food until somebody g-got killed...!"

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Calvin started to walk to the science rooms.
Calvin thought to himself while looking for clues. What if they think that the wrapper and murder are linked?! He was very worried.
Misa followed Calvin to the science classrooms, dragging James with her by the wrist since they were still handcuffed. Nothing much seemed out of place, except for a somewhat large stack of books piled up in front of a cupboard door.

(Sorry I couldn't post earlier today Dx)
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Calvin went over to the stack of books. "...I wonder why there's so many books here..." He looked at a couple of books to see what they were about.
Misa glanced down the side of the stack, looking at the book titles. "They're... All different," she said, a little puzzled. "I can't see anything that'd link them together. Unless.." She paused, glancing up to the cupboard door and then back to the books. "Unless the killer was just using them as a stool to reach something? There's bound to be all sorts in a science store cupboard."
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