Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Monokuma chuckled."Tiiiiime for the class trial!"
Everyone it by their podiums, Leigh started to think. "So where should we start?"
"...Well..." He thought about what he saw in the science room. "...The killer must have been in a hurry... because I found some smashed glasses on one of the shelves i-in one of the science rooms... That m-must have been where they got the pan... whatever stuff from." He couldn't remember the exact name of it. Plus he found it hard to pronounce.
"...It seems like it..." He then thought about what else he saw in there. "...The killer got the stuff from a shelf that was really high up... They had to put up a pile of books to g-get to it... They probably got the books from the library..."
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"It could also suggest the killer was small, if they could not reach."
"Speaking of the library..." Vick interrupted. "Do you think the magic chocolate wrapper was involved?"
Calvin got nervous when Vick mentioned the wrapper. "...Since the killer probably got the b-books from the library..." He thought about who he knew had been in the library yesterday - him, Vick, Misa and Jonathan. "...were Vick, J-jonathan, Misa and I... th-the only people who went in there...?"
"Could it be possible the killer found out Benny had a chocolate bar, so he/she killed them?" Alex asked.(I know this obviously is not right, but it might cause drama.)
"You know, Calvin you did say you put it there, you said it was an old one from (2 days ago now?), are you going back on your story? And to be honest, only Jonathan and I were in the library the day before that and we never saw it in there. And we were the last ones in the library that day."
"Are you suggesting Calvin had food and ate it himself instead of sharing it, and furthermore is the killer?" Leigh asked.
"Th-that's because I put it in there yesterday, not two days ago... I did it just before we started playing hide and s-seek..." he said. It was true - he did put it in there then. "...And you haven't answered my question..."
"I'm sorry, not to interrupt but is discussing chocolate really going to help us find the killer..?" Jonathan asked. "Saying that the two things are linked at all seems a little far fetched, doesn't it?"
"H-he's right, you know... W-we don't know that Benny had a chocolate bar... do we? ...And anyway, I told you th-that I was the one that... put the wrapper in there."
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"Since motive seems to be getting us as far as a chocolate bar that Benny might not have even had, we should probably focus on something else for a bit?" Jonathan suggested. "Like who had the opportunity. Where was everyone last night?"
"...I was in my room, t-trying to go to sleep because I was tired... But it was hard b-because I was hungry..."
"I was with the idiot," Misa held up her wrist, still handcuffed to James.

"I slept with Asuna last night," Willow said, looking far too amused with herself.

Jonathan raised an eyebrow, watching as Asuna kxicked the british girl in the shin from the next podium along. "Willow!" She hissed, going bright red. "Don't say it like that, that sounds really bad!"
Alex smirked. "Ohhhhhhh, is that how it is?"
"Oooooohhhhhh!" James wolf whistled.
"...Huh? How is it?"
"It doesn't matter Leigh, anyway I went to bed as I was feeling ill."
"I was with my sister, I'm still really disappointed the killer didn't ask me to help."
Leigh thought to herself then nodded. "I was asleep."
"I was in my room too, but I was trying to take care of my dark devas, they were all really hungry."
"I went straigh to sleep too," Jonathan said. "Wthout food there's not much you can do anyway."

"Shut up, Alex, it wasn't like that..." Asuna muttered, glaring at Willow. "I only went in her room because of the ghost in mine," she added, not noticing Willow smirking.
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"Ghost? I'm sure they don't exist." Leigh pointed out.
"Are you sure it wasn't just someone dressed in a bed sheet?"
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