Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Leigh woke up, opening the door, she noticed some.... Romantic music was being played through the intercom and the room was lit all dimly and red. "Hmm?" Love hearts had been scatter down the hall. "Erm?"
Misa woke up, rubbing her eyes as she tried to work ot why she could hear music. "What's going on..?" She muttered, sticking her head out of the door into the hallway in the hopes that someone else was up and knew what was going on. Seeing the love hearts scattered around just confused her more. "....Is this somehing to do with the activity Monokuma mentioned..?"
Alex walked out her room and was confused by the new look of the place.
Vick took his devas out and walked down the hall and was very confused.
"Gooooooood morning! It's another fine day and Hope's Peak Academy of Love and Romance!" Monokuma said in an attempt of a sexy tone. "Today is 'group date day'! So everyone must pair into couples and take your 'special one' on a romantic dinner that will be supplied in the kitchen! Activities will follow after... With the day finishing with a formal and romantic ball!"
"What the?"
"Also participation is mandatory or 1 million years dungeon!" Monokuma shouted. "Also Misa is my date before you even try and take my love away from me!" (Don't worry Calvin you and Misa can have a 'forbidden love' ;) )

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"Also participation is mandatory or 1 million years dungeon!"

(Did you just reference adventure time there

Has monokuma turned into lemongrab)

Misa groaned. "Why can't he just leave me alone, this is creepy!"

"It's official, he's lost the plot," Willow thought out loud, standing in her doorway.

Eddie came out of his room, looking for Leigh. He hought this whole thing was ridiculous too, but it'd still be a shame to waste the oppertunity.
James was rubbing his temples. "And I thought I was meant to be the insane creepy character archetype." (Breaking the 4th wall) James groaned then looked on the bright side, trying to find the red head. "Please be in Alex form and not Syo, please be Alex form and not Syo." James repeated.
Vick decided to play hard to get, waiting in a chair in the hallway, determined to make Jonathan beg for a date with him.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(TBT is glitching for me)
This is stupid, that bear seriously is just insane... Is he just doing this so he can be a creepy weirdo and force Misa to be with him all day? Jonathan wondered, looking around from his bedroom door. He spotted Vick, sitting in the hallway. '....'
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"...Hey. Why are you just sat out here..?" Jonathan asked, a little suspicious.

"It sounds like everyone's going on a massive group date. Which means I need someone to go with," Eddie said. He put on a posh voice, holding out a hand. "Would M'lady be so kind as to accompany me?"
Leigh looked very confused, then processed the information. She blushed and took the hand. "Sure!" She smiled.
Vick whistled to himself. "Noooooothing." He tapped his fingers.
Calvin woke up, missing what 'Monocreep' had said. He heard the music and was very confused. What's going on now?! he thought, hoping that this had nothing to do with what had happened yesterday.

Danni woke up, also missing what Monokuma had said. "What's with the music?" she thought out loud as she got out of bed.
Monokuma repeated his announcement from earlier. "You have 5 minuets to find a partner or 1 million years dungeon!"
Alex noticed James running towards her. Ughhhh I guess I have no choice.
Vick was tapping his fingers, looking at Jonathan like he hadn't heard anything.
"Wh-what?!" he said as he had finished getting changed. He didn't want to do this at all, especially after what had happened yesterday. He reluctantly open the door and went out.

"Ugh, great..." she said while she was in the middle of getting changed.
"Nothing. Riiiight," Jonathan said, not convinced. He stopped thinking about it anyway, when Monokuma repeated his announcement. "So, uh......Will you be my partner for whatever the hell Monokuma has set up?" He asked, quite quietly.

Misa scowled, going back inside her bedroom and slamming the door shut like a huffy teenager. There's no way I'm doing anything romantic and lovey dovey with a creepy bear...
When Danni had finished and went out of her room, she saw Calvin outside his room. "Want me to find Misa for you?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

Calvin's face turned red with embarrassment. "N-no! Don't!"

"You're passing up the chance to date your crush?"

"...I-I mean... uhh..." He had tears in his eyes. "Just stop!"
Willow walked out into the hallway, cleaning her glasses on the hem of her top. She spotted Danni and Calvin talking nearby, Calvin's face bright red. "What's up with tomato face?" She asked Danni, referring to Calvin.
Danni turned to Willow. "Calvin doesn't want to be Misa's partner." she said, then looked back at Calvin. "Come on! Why don't you want to do it?"

"I-I-I just... ummm..."
"...You can't be Misa's partner anyway," Willow said after a little while. "Monokuma already called dibs on being with her. Didn't you hear the first announcement?"