Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Willow stopped in the doorway, looking around. "Bloody hell... did he do all this himself?" She wondered aloud, for once actually somewhat impressed by the bear.

Jonathan came in close behind Vick, and couldn't help but laugh a little when he saw the hamster table. That's great... only Monokuma could possibly remember about the hamsters and decide they needed their own little table...
(Uhhhh... TBT is glitching? I've been too busy getting ready for school to notice. .-.)

Danni looked around when she got to the dining area. Whoa...

Calvin looked around as well. Ugh... this is gonna be torture...

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Anyway, I gotta go now. See ya!)
"There's even waiters here?!" Danni said before sitting down at one of the tables. "There's no way Monokuma did all this by himself overnight!"

Calvin sat down at the same table as Danni. He did all this for us, yet he wants us all to die...? It didn't make any sense to him at all.
The 'waiters' were robotic clones of Monokuma in waiter outfits. Leigh, sat in her seat noticed it come up to her. "Do you have cocopops?" Come to think of it, that's all she has ate since she got there.
Alex was starving. "For stater I'll have a big party appetiser plater." She nodded. "And a bottle of wine." She then turned to her unfortunate date. "What about you James?"
James was shocked. "You can eat that all by yourself! Leave room for the main!" James sighed. "I will have prawn cocktail and a glass of wine too."
The robot waiter shook it's head at Alex for the order of wine. "Code 145- Alex is not allowed alcohol."
"Why the hell not!"
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Danni looked over at the table Alex and James were at, and saw the robot waiter refusing to give Alex the wine. "He really has thought of everything, hasn't he?" She hadn't noticed the waiter at hers and Calvin's table.

"...Umm... Danni...?"

She turned to Calvin. "What is it? ...Oh!" She had seen the waiter at their table. She ordered her food, and ordered Calvin's for him.
Misa peeked her head around the door, cautiously, trying not to get caught. She didn't want to join in, not if she had to be with Monokuma, but curiosity was getting to her and she wanted to see what it was like in the dining room.
Monokuma was tapping his table. "I'll speed my date up a bit."
10 Monowaiters ran off, picked Misa up and carried her to the dining room.
Vick ordered his starter. "Ohhh I've never been on a date before. Well, not counting the time I had a very short romantic evening with the God of the underworld, Hades, but that was over in a flash."
"You've had a romantic evening with Hades?" Jonathan asked, shocked. That seemed too far out of the ordinary, even for Vick.

Misa screamed as the robot waiters picked her up. "Put me down!" She cried, squirming about and trying to get away from them.
The waiters brought Misa to the table. "Hellllo love! What would you like to eat!"
Vick nodded. "Yes." The way Vick said things, it was hard to tell whether all these stories were made up or sincere.
Usami ordered a carrot and smiled at Willow. "So, obviously since we are on our own, can you tell me your opinions on the others? Do you like anyone in that way? It's just you know, I don't really get in with the group much..."
Calvin looked over to where Misa was. He glared angrily at Monokuma when he called Misa 'love', though he didn't say anything.

Danni noticed the look on Calvin's face. Whoa, she thought. He seems pretty defensive of her.
"Nothing. I want nothing to eat," Misa said stubbonly, staring at the wall so she wouldn't have to look at Monokuma. "I want nothing to do with this, except that's apparently not an option."

"...Do I like anyone?" Willow looked away, almost sheepishly. "Well, there was Asuna. But she didn't like me back anyway... Not that it really matters now anyway."
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Alex was sat, arms crossed as she stubbornly kicked James' shins lightly in anger. "It's not fair why can't drink! Geez!"
James was ignoring her, staring down Misa and Monokuma. "Stupid creepy bear... Grrrrr..." He didn't even notice everyone's food arrive.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Usami pulled a shocked face. "Oh! That's a shame... But I'm sure it will turn out okay, you have lots of friends here to support you."
Willow smiled. It was nice to know someone actually cared.

Misa glanced around the rest of the room, at all of the other pars, feeling rather jealous. Everyone else got to pair up with someone they actually wanted to be with, or at the very least didn't mind, while whe was stuck with the creepy bear.
Calvin's expression changed when he saw Misa. He couldn't help but feel sorry for her. He let out a sigh, without noticing that his and Danni's food had arrived.

Danni was about to eat her food, when she noticed that Calvin was still looking over wher Misa was. "Calvin, your food's here." she said before taking a bite.

"Huh? Oh..." He turned back round and began to eat, though a lot more slowly than usual.