Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"Nothing. Riiiight," Jonathan said, not convinced. He stopped thinking about it anyway, when Monokuma repeated his announcement. "So, uh......Will you be my partner for whatever the hell Monokuma has set up?" He asked, quite quietly.

Misa scowled, going back inside her bedroom and slamming the door shut like a huffy teenager. There's no way I'm doing anything romantic and lovey dovey with a creepy bear...
"Well if you insist... Actually wait... I might have other plans." He said leaning back. "I might consider it if you beg." Vick muttered the last part under his breath.
Vick, plan not working, he looked a little nervous for and second then regained his composure. "I said maybe. If you *cough* beg *cough* ask kindly then..."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Monokuma, becoming impatient broadcast a little story over the itercom. "There once was two ogres who fell in love. Their names were Barbar and DooDoo. Even though they met through suspicious ways, they realised they both had a common trait which made them happy together. Being a big fat lying ogre. So, one day, after declining his picnic, the ogres realised they upset a little bear so the bear got up and RIPPED THEM IN TWO AND ATE THEM FOR HIS TEA BUT THEN SPAT IT OUT BECAUSE IT WAS SO DISGUSTING NOW HURRY UP I WILL EAT YOU ALL TOO!" Monokuma then laughed. "That was a purely fictional story, all characters are not based off anyone living or dead."
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"Can't blame her for doing that." she said. "I would too if I had a creepy bear that wants us all to die as my partner."

Calvin had to agree - it was a little creepy. "B-but... who would I go with instead...?"
Jonathan stayed silent for a few moments. "...Please?" He said quietly. "Everyone else is already pairing up, and... Monokuma is getting impatient, and you know I like you, and-" He cut himself off abruptly, realising he was getting a little too worked up over this.

Willow glanced between Danni and Calvin. "You two could just go together? Unless you've already found a partner?" She asked Danni.
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"It's not as easy as it sounds, you know..." Jonathan muttered, staring at the floor. Despite usually being a rather more confident person, he was still quite nervous around Vick and didn't really know how to remedy that.
"Well, I've only been out of my room for a minute or two, so I haven't been able to yet."

"What?!" It wasn't that he disliked Danni, he just thought that it would be awkward and embarrassing. Then again, would it be much better if it was with Misa, especially after what happened yesterday?
Usami popped up. "Hey guys! Is everyone all loved up?"

"Hey, Usami," Willow said. "More or less, 'cept there's an odd number of people since Monokuma joined. I won't have a partner," she added, assuming Calvin and Danni would eventually agree to be together despite Calvin's protests. She was silent for a few moments, before she thought of something and looked at Usami. "I don't suppose you'd be my partner, would you?"
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Usami span around happily cheering. "Oh of course Willow! I would looooove too! Of course this relationship will be purely platonic of course. I don't want my big sister to get upset with me for- oh forget that part." Usami giggled.
...What? Willow looked a little confused for a moment, but she let it go and grinned anyway. "Great! That should mean everyone has a partner now too," she said, again assuming Calvin would be with Danni. They were the only two left anyway so they didn't have much of a choice.
Misa was still sulking in her room like a stroppy 14 year old when she heard Monokuma's latest announcement. No way am I going out there..

Jonathan listened to the announcement, and turned to Vick. "We should go in before Monokuma gets impatient again."

(Sorry replies are taking ages btw, I'm using the bus wifi and it's really slow)
Leigh arrived first, looking inside the room was dimly lit with candles everywhere. Couple tables had been spread out with silk cloths and fine china. "It's very pretty. Monokuma must have gone all out."
Vick followed behind, he noticed a tiny mini table on the floor for his dark devas and his purple eyes lit up. "Wow!"
"Well, looks like we're together then." she said as she walked down to the dining area.

Calvin sighed, then followed Danni. I swear, if that creep makes us kiss...
Alex groaned at the site of it. "Ugh it's so... Romantically cheesy."
"LOOK AT ALL THAT RED WINE!" James pointed out.
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