Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

(Okay TIME SKIP! I assume Calvin + Danni have went to bed too.)
Syo woke up, stretching. "Yawwwwwwn!" She got out of bed and got changed, before heading to the kitchen. "I wonder how Senpai is today!"
Leigh had woken up, but when she went to the toilet, she realised it was out of order. She sighed, got changed and decided to walk down the corridor to use the bathroom on the bottom floor... When she saw the body.
(OOOooooOooooOoohhhhhh! It happened again!)
Calvin woke up and remembered what had happened the night before. A small smile appeared on his face as he got out of bed and got changed. When he finished, he went down to the kitchen, hoping that Misa would be there.

Danni woke up and got changed. Once she had finished, she went down to the kitchen as usual.
Misa woke up, stretching, and headed out of her room. On the way to breakfast, she passed the staircase leading to the bottom floor, and caught Leigh out of the corner of her eye. "Huh? Leigh, aren't you coming to-" she stopped, spotting the body sprawled out at the bottom of the stairs. Willow was lying dead on the floor.

(There's been a murder! Dun dun dun)
Calvin was about to go to the kitchen on the bottom floor, when he saw Misa. He went over to her. "H-Hi Mi-" He stopped when he saw Willow's body on the floor.

Danni saw Calvin go in a different direction to the kitchen. Curious, she followed him. "Hey Calvin, the kitchen's over- What?!" She had seen Willow's body on the floor as well.
*Ding Dong* "A body had been discovered!" The body discovery announcement played. "You have 20 minutes before the class trial will begin! Gooooooood luck!" Monokuma announced throughout the school.
Leigh walked down the stairs to examine the body. "... Why Willow? What did she do wrong to make someone kill her?"
Vick and Syo had appeared now, they looked down at the body. "That looks like it must of hurt."
"Did Willow fall down the stairs?" Syo asked. "Dammit, a scissor slicing would have been cooler!"
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"Did she fall, or was she pushed?" Eddie asked. He and Jonathan had joined the rest of the group. "It could've just been an accident."

"...Given the way things go around here, I doubt this was an accident," Misa replied, walking down the stairs and approaching the British girl's body slowly.
Danni thought about the previous day, when she was dancing with Willow. "Just why did they do this?!" she blurted out angrily, with tears in her eyes as well.

Calvin looked over at Danni. He remembered who Danni went off to dance with when he danced with Misa. He couldn't help but feel sorry for her. They looked like they were having so much fun together...

( ooo: )
Leigh was examining the body, she noted that there was no stab wounds or any sign of blood loss. "Her head has been knocked pretty hard." She noted, touching one of the many bruises. "Her arm is twisted, possibly broken, and as you can see her legs seems to have been broken at some harsh angles too." Leigh looked around for any other clues. "I would suggest that Danni, James, Jonathan and Calvin check out her room just in case." She turned to the others. "Syo, Vick, Misa and Eddie, you stay here with me."
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Calvin went back upstairs and went to Willow's room. He then waited for the others to get there.

Danni slowly made her way to Willow's room. She didn't do anything to deserve this...
Jonathan followed the others to Willow's room, to see if there were any clues in there.

Misa crouched down nearby the body, next to Leigh. "Do you think this could've just been an accident? I mean, it's not exactly hard to lose your balance and fall, especially if this happened during the night when ut was dark..."
Leigh checked the body, she noted there was some suspicious fabric around the corners of her sleeves, from a carpet perhaps? "I think, the only was we will find the truth, is if we find the motive. If it was an accident she must have fell pretty far and pretty hard. But if it was a person, then it seems they must have had a huge grudge against her to inflict such violence. But who? That is the question."
Jonathan looked around Willow's bedroom with the others. In and around the bin was a lot of paper, scrumpled up into little balls. He went over and picked one up, carefully flattening it out, and read what was written on it.
"Roses are red
Violets are blue
I love tea and crumpets
But not as much as I love you."
He put it down and picked up another, which was similar. "Are these love notes..?" He wondered aloud. "She was bad at this, these are pretty awful..."
(Awwwwww daz cute)

Leigh turned to Misa. "Who do you think did it? Any idea?"
Vick looked around the top of the stairs. "What could she have tripped on?"
Misa thought for a while. "Did anyone really have a grudge against her? I mean, she was a nice person, I can't imagine many people being thay upset with her..."

Out of curiosity, Jonathan read a few more of the sheets of paper. They were getting worse and worse as they went on, getting cheesier. Some didn't have a name on, but some were adressed to Asuna, despite said girl not being alive any more. How long had she been doing this?
Leigh looked unsure, the as if she was processing something. "I don't think anyone had a grudge against her. Maybe it was an accident." She looked down at the body, the bruises were definitely strange. "But something seems off."
*DING DONG* "Everyone make your way to the trial room!"
"Is that all the time we get?" Misa asked, not realising they'd been there for so long. She started to walk over to the elevator, to get to the trial room. Eddie went too, and Jonathan soon joined them, putting one of the pueces of paper in his pocket in case it was relevant during the trial.
Calvin couldn't find much. "That wasn't long at all..." he said as he made his way down to the elevator to the trial room.

"Is it just me, or were we given less time than usual?" Danni said to Calvin as they walked to the elevator.

"I don't know..."

"...Probably just me, then." she said as they went in the elevator.
*they all arrived at the trial room.*
"Hellllllooooooo! How we you all today? Still all loved up from yesterday? Anyway, everyone get prepared, Trial Start!"