Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"Too much excercising, I pushed myself a little too far and hurt my wrist," Jonathan explained, looking a little nervous. ...What if they don't believe me?

"Excercise as in, like, sports? Or..." Eddie asked, glancing between Jonathan and Vick, smirking. "...Or something more intimate?"

(Night Leah~!)
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Vick giggled. "Use your imagination."
"I don't think I want too." James said and out his head in his hands.
Leigh was very confused, looking around at everyone. "I don't get it. What do you mean?"
"Bless the poor innocent girls soul." Alex commented.
Calvin was confused as well. "...I have no idea what you mean..."

(BTW I finished editing the forms things for the other RP last night)
"What are you- OHHH," Misa said, pulling a face as she realised what they meant.

Jonathan started to go red. "...Can we not talk about this?"
(Btw for the other RP I will edit and start it tonight when I get on my laptop :) )

Leigh was still confused.
Vick was giggling like a maniac.
Alex put a hand on Leigh's shoulder to comfort her. "Don't worry little angel, you don't need to ruin that innocent mind."
(I'm in the car so bad connection)
Vick was looking at everyone's hands again. "Well, if no one has bad hands, other than Jonathan who has an excuse, does that mean she did really trip?"
Leigh was thinking. "There must be something else... It just seems wrong..."
Alex sighed. "I didn't see the crime scene, but perhaps she did just jump down the stairs from the grief of Asuna."
Leigh looked up for a second. "Willow wasn't the type of person to... Kill herself... But that grief... Perhaps it made her... Snap... Maybe she got into a fight with someone, in attempt to be executed to be back with Asuna..."
"Wait so you are saying Willow tried to kill someone?! Wow!" James smirked a little. Good on you Willow
"W-Well it was just a thought..." Leigh broke off, feeling a little bad she would suggest such a thing.
"Willow wouldn't do something so awful... Would she..?" Misa asked, bit entirelt sure ofbherself as she spoke. Grief could do pretty crazy things to people.

"Assuming for a moment that is what happened, who would she have gotten into a fight with? Just whoever she was nearest at the time?" Eddie asked.
"Well, if I had to get into a fight with anyone here, I'd choose a weak opponent." She then shook her head. "But it looks like something went wrong. Perhaps she went up against someone to strong."
"Even if her opponent was strong, they'd still be kinda hurt, right?" Misa asked. "If she started the fight, she'd have the element of surprise. She'd be bound to get at least one hit in before they knew to defend themselves."
Jonathan looked around the room. Misa and Eddie had both turned to watch him. "I told you, I-I hurt my wrist... 'exercising'..." He muttered.
"I'm not sure what 'exercising' really means, but seeing as it was the night, perhaps she tried to use a pillow or something to suffocate you, since there was no blood, then maybe you woke up so she had grabbed your wrist to keep you down, so that's how it was sprained."
"I wasn't aware Jonathan was so... Brutal..."
Vick gave his scary look. "Don't you dare blame Jonathan, it wasn't him!"
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"I'm not that brutal, I didn't do it," Jonathan said, starting to panic. It was obvious they didn't believe how he hurt his wrist.

"Is it even possible to sprain your wrist doing 'that'?" Misa asked, avoiding saying what jonathan had claimed since Leugh and Calvin didn't understand. Ut was more of a rhetorical question than one she actually wanted an answer to. "It'd have to be pretty intense."

Jonathan glanced around the room nervously, silently as he tried to come up with an explaination they'd believe. "It was self defense!" He blurted suddenly, then quickly put his hand to his mouth as he realised he'd said that out loud.
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