Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Misa frowned at the mention of the day before. She took her place at a podium, as far away from the bear as she could get, still bot wanting to be near him.

Jonathan and Eddie both stood at a podium too.
Leigh crossed her arms, thinking on her podium. "So we should try and sum up what we saw."
Syo was by her podium. "It's a bit crap, I was expecting a big murder with some slicing and lots of blood, but all we got was a little trip down the stairs!"
Vick shrugged. "Did she really fall? Maybe she was pushed... Or maybe it was a ghost!"
"I highly doubt it was a ghost," Eddie said flatly. "You know, since they don't exist."

"They do here, didn't Asuna see one, the night before her trial?" Jonathan asked.

Misa giggled. "Don't be silly, Jonathan. That was just Willow pranking her."
"Pfffft mere mortal, I have several ghost friends. One is named Egg. It will be very offended that you said that." Vick mocked.
"Can I meet Egg some time?" Leigh asked.
"Of course, I will show you him later. It likes to hang around the library sometimes. I hear it talk to me when I'm alone in there, but I can never find it."
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Misa giggled. "You're friends with a ghost names Egg?"

"Aren't we getting a little off topic...?" Eddie asked. "We should probably be focusing on the murder here, not ghosts."
Leigh nodded, agreeing with Eddie. "Of course, we can all go talk to Egg after the trial."
"So if she tripped, do we vote for Willow as the murderer?"
Leigh shook her head. "We should go through all probabilities before making a rash decision. Did any of you guys find anything suspicious in her room?"
"I don't know about the others, but the only thing I could find were a bunch of love letters," Jonathan said. Wincing a little, he took the one he'd kept with him out of his pocket and showed the others. "There were dozens of them, by the looks of them all to Asuna..."

"Dozens?" Misa looked a little shocked. "I mean, it was obvious she liked Asuna, but wow..."
"Awwwww well, love makes people do craaaaaazy things! Maybe she chucked herself down the stairs from grief?" Syo said chuckling, spinning her scissors and big tongue out.
"Ugh shut up Syo. Anyway, change back to Alex, she needs to know that Willow was murdered." James groaned.
"Why should I do that?! I like being here-"
"Please Syo, if you change back... I'll give you a kiss next time I see you-" Before he could even finished, Syo let out a huge sneeze on purpose.
"ACHOO!" Alex looked around. "Huh... Oh... Who died? Where is Willow?!" She looked at the missing girl who was not at her podium. "Oh no... Who did it?! Willow was such a nice person!"
"You do realise you're going to have to live up to that promise, right?" Misa asked James, as Syo changed back into Alex.

Eddie thought for a while. "Syo's suggestion might've actually been reasonable... If Willow liked Asuna so much, her execution could've been driving the poor girl insane..."

"... Until she couldn't take it any more, and killed herself," Jonathan finished Eddie's thought.
James shrugged. "I'll just act like I forgot about it."
Leigh wasn't so sure. "There is something not right about this... I'm sure something else has happened... Wait, if she did trip, what did she trip on?"
"Vick put a hand in his head in thought. "I didn't see anything which would result in her slipping..."
Leigh realised something else. "I know the stairs are a while away from our rooms, but did anyone actually hear her trip or scream perhaps?"
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"I didn't hear anything," Misa said, thinking back to the night before. "Would tripping even have been enough to kill her? Those stairs aren't very high..."
"The bruises on the body also seemed more... Forcibly received. It looked more to me like she was beaten to death. Perhaps a fight then a major blow to the head with a blunt object or even a powerful hand?" Leigh suggested.
"Well from experience, as the ultimate fighter, usually when it comes to a fight, the person doing all the punches ends up sore and sprained up, expecially if they aren't extremely powerfull." She held her hands out. "I suggest everyone flex and roll their wrists, to see if someone is hurt."
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"I don't think just slipping o-or being pushed down the stairs would have killed her... It seems like something else did... I didn't hear anything last night though."

I didn't hear anything either. But if slipping or being pushed down the stairs didn't kill her, then what did?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Yay I got ninja'd yet again)
Leigh held out her wrists, moving them around without a problem.
Alex rolled hers around too with ease.
Vick also seemed to be having no problem with his wrists, rolling them fine.
James also rolled them without a problem.
"Like this, you mean?" Misa asked, flexing her wrists like everyone else was doing.

Eddie imitated her, flexing his own wrists with ease.

Jonathan did the same, though he winced slightly, and as hard as he tried he couldn't quite keep the pain from showing on his face.
Alex narrowed her eyes. "Is something wrong there Jonathan?"
"Jonathan, can you explain?" Leigh asked.
Vick scowled as they threatened Jonathan. "Don't be ridiculous." He then giggled. "I'm sure those sprains are from 'other reasons'."