Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Vick growled. "Shut up Jonathan! Don't say anything! It wasn't you! Look aren't we all looking over the fact he has an alibi! I was with him! Just..." Vick, for the first time ever looked genuinely sad. "Just don't blame him! It wasn't his fault!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Vick growled. "Shut up Jonathan! Don't say anything! It wasn't you! Look aren't we all looking over the fact he has an alibi! I was with him! Just..." Vick, for the first time ever looked genuinely sad. "Just don't blame him! It wasn't his fault!"
Vick frowned. "Yes! I was with him all night!"
"No, that's wrong!" James countered his argument. "We were more or less the last ones to get to the crime scene. I saw you leave your room, so if you were with Jonathan all night, supposedly in his room, you would have exited at the same time as him!"
Vick growled angrily. "How DARE you accuse me of lying! I'll- Ugh! The demons of the seven hells won't be pleased when you meet them!"
"H-how am I supposed to know that it wasn't him if a-a-all the evidence points towards him being the killer?!"
"Vick, he basically just admitted it himself," Misa pointed out.

Jonathan looked around at eveyone else nervously. People were staring at him again. "...It was an accident, I didn't mean to. I was just trying to defend myself..." He said quietly.
Vick slammed his hands on the podium. "Please Jonathan! Don't do this!" Vick composed himself, sighing. "It wasn't Jonathan... It was me! Now everyone just vote for me already and get this over with!"
Jonathan turned to face Vick "V-Vick, what are you doing?! Don't.... Don't try to cover for me.." he said.

"...Is anyone else confused?" Misa asked the others.
"Jonathan! I understand you are doing this because you care, but if you do this, everyone but me will die! I'm not letting you sacrifice yourself for me. I'm sorry this happened, but you will just have to accept it. I'm sorry."
"No! No, shut up, stop it!" Jonathan protested, tears in his eyes. "I won't let you take the blame for this, it was my fault!"
"...But why's Vick saying that he did it...?"
Leigh shook her head. "No. Vick did it. I understand now." She pointed out some facts. "We do know that for some part Vick and Jonathan spent some of the night together, but what I suspect happened is that Willow, from grief took advantage of the chilled out mood Jonathan was in, and planned that night to go in and kill him. There was no blood so I assume she tried to suffocate him with a pillow or something."
"I was using the bathroom, I need to quickly use the loo when I heard the commotion." Vick was repeating the events that occurred. "I saw Willow attack Jonathan. She had his hand pinned and his face being suffocated by a pillow. That's when I punched her, full force across the head."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Leigh carried on. "Willow was a feisty girl, she could hold her own in a fight." She recalled the body they found. "We saw fabric of some sort on her body. Just a little bit. At first I thought it was a carpet or something... But now I think about it... It looks like hamster fur."
"My Dark Devas helped me hold her down as I beat her to death... She was going to kill Jonathan. I wouldn't let her hurt him! I would kill her again if I could!" Vick seemed to be losing it more than usual.
"Vick, you idiot! Why would you tell them this, you could've lived!" Jonathan complained, his expression flickering between anger and sadness as if he didn't know how to feel.
"...Oh, right..."

Danni was finding it hard to believe that Willow would try to kill someone, especially after yesterday. "..."
"After I'd killed her, I ran back to my room. I don't know for sure how the body got down those stairs, but I can guess how. I was going to own up straight away in the morning. It was all to save Jonathan, I didn't want to kill her, it was I just wanted to protect him." Vick refused to get emotional. "I'm sorry everyone." He took his hamsters out, petting them. "In sorry to you too my Dark Devas, but it looks like Daddy is leaving you soon."