Dark Veil 2

"Hey, shut up." I say to James. "I still have to kill you later, I'm not done relaxing." I put my hand on Chiyoko's shoulder.
I lie in the tent. I never want to leave this sleeping bag. Suddenly, I get a flash back of what James told me last night, causing me to burry my head under the cover a blush.
I nod, wanting to hug him back, but I just don't have the energy. I would probably be blushing by now if it wasn't for the fact that I have a fever which has made my cheeks constantly pinky-red anyway.
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I walk into the tent and notice Alex hiding under her covers. Grabbing it, I pull it quickly off with a chuckle. "Rise and shine."
"Nooooooooo, it's to early." I say and try and pull the covers back.
I nod again. Even though I've just woken up, I soon find myself close to drifting off to sleep again, resting on Aions.
"Okay!" I call back, then fight with Alex over the covers.
"Give me them!"
"No, time to wake up sleeping beauty." I joke before pulling on the covers so hard, I pull her up and we roll backwards out the tent.
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I keep drifting in and out of consciousness, feeling a little better each time I wake up, but feeling worse again my the time I go back to sleep each time. I keep my eyes shut, hoping to be able to fall asleep for more than a tiny amount of time. Eventually I give up, and open them again.
Chiyoko is extremely pale. I worriedly pick her up and bring her back to the tent, and rummage through my bag for some medicine. Damn! The one thing I forgot to bring... I take her back to the lake, but closer to the water where it is cooler.
Aions takes me closer to the water, where it's much cooler. I try to go back to sleep, hoping rest will be the best solution since no one has any medicine, but I can't fall asleep.
I carefully leave her there so that she doesn't notice me going. I walk over to where James and Alex are. "I'm worried about her. It might be something serious."