"Is everyone okay?" I ask. "Any injuries?" I haul the still unconscious Caylin out of the tent, and try to get some food into her.
She suddenly makes a small cry, and I almost drop her.
"I am not, James!" I retort, and feel Chiyoko's forehead. She's very hot, and seems to be slipping in and out of conciousness.
"She seems to have a very bad fever. You should keep her warm, and I'll cast some sleeping and calming charms on her in a bit." I say briskly, talking her pulse.
"I should have some yarrow in my herb bag somewhere, I can make tea out of that to make her temperature go down. Wrap her in some blankets, and she should be kept comfortable." I say, digging around in my bag. "After she's settled, I'll cast the charms."
( Yes, Yarrow is an actual herb. And yes I helps fevers. :3 )