Dark Veil 2

I order a panini and laugh. "What do you mean? My driving is fine!"
"Fine if you are trying to out run the police." I mutter and take a bite of my sandwich.
My stomach rumbles, but I ignore it, worried that if I eat anything I might not be able to keep it down, since I've almost thrown up already today. Cindra's calming charm still seems to be in effect, so it doesn't take long to fall back asleep.
I roll my eyes, then look at James. "Good job last night, though." I grin, taking a bite of my sub.
I give a confused look. "Huh?"
I roll my eyes. "Your very nosey I see." I smirk. "Thanks."
I look at the two of them, realising what they are on about. "Is this about..."
I finish my sandwich, and clutch my head.
"I'm going to go pick up some medicine for Chiyoko now." I say. "Ya's want to come?"
I get up and jump into the truck. I return it at the dealership, and walk to the drug store. "What do you think she needs?" I ask.
"Mm, thanks." I say, and I search the aisles. I eventually find them, and as I go to pay, a cute kitten doll catches my eye. I decide to buy it, too.
(Shut up, Purps...
Unless you got sugar.)

"Perhaps." I grin, giving the cashier a twenty. I take the medicine and the doll, and leave the store with them.
(Can somebody tell me what's happened since I've been gone?)

(We defeated the spirits, Chiyoko is sick, Aions and James had a friendly fist fight in which James was kicked in the 'family jewels', we packed up and just got back to the hotel.)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I follow out the shop and head back to the hotel. "Home sweet home."
"Now, if you'll excuse me..." I go up to the brute room, and see Chiyoko sleeping in her bed. I put the medicine and the kitten on the stand next to her bed, and leave.