Dark Veil 2

I shake my head. "I told him not to leave the fire going overnight. I didn't want to risk it spreading. Of course, that idiot gets drunk and passes out, so I had to teach him a lesson."
"So, are you actually going to tell me where you are planning for us to go to dinner at or do I have to wait and find out for myself?" I ask, stepping through the door that he's holding open for me.
(What's wrong, feeling left out since you don't have a reason to spy on my date this time? XD)

"I guess it's lucky that I like fondue then, isn't it," I reply, grinning back at him.
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"Okay," I reply, walking back. On the way, we walk past an alleyway and something catches in the corner of my eye, making me backtrack a few steps. "James? Alex? So you do have a thing for alleyways!"
"Uh, we can never be alone for more than 10 minutes can we..." I trail off as Alex pushes away and shakes her head at the two.
"No, it's not like that Chiyoko! I swear!"
"You know, pretty much everything you two say in these kinds of situations make it sound worse," I tell them. "Anyway, let's head back to the hotel, I kind of want to take a shower before we go out for dinner," I say, turning to Aions for the last part.
I get out of the shower, dry myself off and put the dress I picked up on before leaving the bathroom. My hair is still wet, and I think for a moment, deciding whether to tie it up or straighten it after drying it. In the end I decide to straighten it, so I rummage around in my stuff for the straighteners.