Dark Veil 2

( Tl;Dr. What's going on? xD )

(Everyone decided to go see 'Frozen' at the cinema. Fein sang the entire time, James and Alex got into a popcorn war which got them kicked out the cinema. Everyone else facepalmed, Aions and Chiyoko are on a date, Sam is surfing and James/Alex are most likley in an alleyway somewhere... Caught up now?)
(We went to see Frozen at the cinema, Alex and James were found together in another alleyway, and Chiyoko is out for dinner with Aions)


I was trying to find a surfboard, and I found a skateboard in the process. I pushed it aside initially, but I noticed something on the bottom. The name "Taylor" was written small in permanent marker on the bottom of the board, near one of the trucks. Instantly, I began to cry of the memory...the brother I once had...

I was trying to find a surfboard, and I found a skateboard in the process. I pushed it aside initially, but I noticed something on the bottom. The name "Taylor" was written small in permanent marker on the bottom of the board, near one of the trucks. Instantly, I began to cry of the memory...the brother I once had...

(No joke, I went "awwwww" When I read this... Oh Taylor...)
( what do I doooooooo
No wait I got dis ~~~~~DESU )

I wake up in my bed in the Aura room, and sit up, blinking groggily. I can barely remember anything that happened in the library. I feel the white tips of my hair with my fingers, and sigh. I seem to be better.