Dark Veil 2

(Aions is the awkwardness slayer!)

"And I'm no good with girls." I smile, trying to make her feel less nervous. The waiter brings our fondue, and I immediately dip some broccoli in. "Mm."
I dip in a piece of carrot, and pop it into my mouth. Im taken aback by the taste of it. once I've eaten it, I say, "There's hardly any decent restaurants around here that serve decent vegetarian food, how have I managed to get by without knowing about this place?!"
Chapter 2: Awkward

"Has anyone seen-" Another student opened the door to join the boys, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw James. "...Well, this is a coincidence."

James raised an eyebrow at the boy who walked over to them, he didn't recognise the boy, so what was his problem?

"Nice of you to finally join us." Fein said and pulled up a chair for him.

"Yeah Aions, you took your time." Taylor sighed as the boy sat beside him.

Aions wore a confused look on his face when he glanced at James, cyan eyes narrowed in thought as he ran some fingers through his pure white hair.

"I was looking for the new kid, but I guess it didn't take me very long." Aions patted James on the back playfully.

"Why?" James asked simply.

"Cindra wanted to see you." Aions chuckled as the two other boys shot into life at the mention of her name.

"C-Cindra?!" Fein said quickly as he shook his head. "But, why? She never speaks to anyone!"

"Fein here has been trying to speak to Cindra for years now. What the hell would she want with you?" Taylor spat.

James felt like he was had been given some great honour, as if he had been asked to speak with the Queen.

"Where is she?" James asked getting up and Aions pointed out the door.

"Outside the art room." When Aions explained where she was, James left, curious of what he was walking into.


The boys weren't lying; Cindra was most defiantly the most beautiful girl in school. When James laid eyes on the young girl, she looked back shyly, long golden hair flowing past her shoulders and bright blue eyes gazing at him.

"You wanted to see me?" James asked, still not really sure why he was here.

"We wanted to ask you... To help us with something." Cindra muttered voice like that of a goddess.

"We?" James asked unsure what she meant.

"Brother, we need you to do us a favour!" Misa jumped out from behind Cindra, full of excitement. At the sight of his sister, James felt the urge just to turn around and leave.

"Misa? What are you doing?" James face-palmed.

"We need help with something. You see me and Cindra-" Misa waffled on and James raised a hand to his lips to silence her.

"First off, can you explain why you are with Cindra?"

"Because we are friends!" Misa giggled and turned to face Cindra. "Isn't that right?"

Cindra nodded nervously, it looked as if she had been pressured into this. James was confused; the boys told him she never spoke to anyone. Why on earth is she suddenly friends with Misa, and only after two classes? James let out a sigh, what on earth they could want from me.

"James, right?" Cindra asked a little more confidently. James nodded and urged her to continue. "Me and Misa need you to help us... Start a club."

A club? What? James had a face painted with confusion. He was unsure what to say, it was only his first day and they expect him to start a club!

"A club? Why don't you just start it?" James asked, not really grasping the situation.

"Brother, you see, a club can only be started by a senior, someone in the final year." Misa explained. "So we need you to start it. Please!" Misa gave her brother those eyes again.

James rolled his eyes. Great, it's my first day at school and I am being pressured into creating a stupid club I have no interest in with two high school girls. James let out a big sigh and placed his head in his hands, regretting his next words.

"Fine, I will do it."

Misa and Cindra jumped slightly, happy and full of excitement. "Really? You will?" Cindra cheered.

"I guess." James mumbled as Misa interrupted.

"One final thing, the school rules say we need two seniors to start the club, so you will have to find someone else. Good luck!"


"A club? This is so stupid." James muttered under his breath as he cycled his bike. The sky was still orange, as it was still fairly early in the morning. The previous day, James had his first day of school and was already regretting agreeing with his sister and that girl.

"Who the hell is crazy enough to agree to this stupid club?" James stated to himself as he started to pedal faster down a hill. Sitting back on his saddle he let out a sigh, thinking about what he should do.

It happened suddenly. James didn't see the oncoming bike from around the corner and he didn't have time to respond.


James felt the connection of the two bikes; it was like hitting a brick wall. He cursed as he flew through the air and landed on the floor with a bang.

"****!" James groaned as he lay back on the ground, rubbing his sore head. "What the hell was-?"

James went bright red and his eyes widened.

"Ouch." The other bike rider moaned, spread out just in front of James, back to him. She put a hand on her head to and let out a little cry of pain.

This was... Awkward... James could see directly up the girls? skirt, but she hadn't seemed to have noticed yet.

"I'm sorry..." James said, pain in his words as the girl turned her head to face him. He recognised the girl, making the whole thing ten times worse. "Alex?"

Alex's face was flushing so hard, it nearly matched her hair. Quickly turning around so she wasn't exposed anymore, she crawled away from him. "J-James!?"

The two lay in silence for while, too embarrassed to say anything, looking at each other with red faces. James was the first to get up; he ran his hand across his bike. It wasn't broken.

"Here." James held out his hand to Alex who looked at him for a second before taking it and getting up.

"Thanks." She muttered and got to her feet. Alex looked at her bike, unlike James's, it wasn't in once piece. A huge sigh escaped her lips as she picked up broken parts of the bike. "Great." She moaned sarcastically.

James climbed onto his bike, he felt really bad for her. "Dammit, I'm sorry about your bike."

She gritted her teeth together, as if she was going to shout, but calmed herself and looked at him.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." Standing up, she backed away from the wreck. "How the hell am I getting to school now?"

"I can give you a ride." James offered, moving forward in the saddle so he could fit her on the back.

Alex nodded reluctantly, she had no other option.


It felt like the ride would never end. A silence hung in the air, with both students unsure of what to say. They sat close on the bike, uncomfortably close. He could feel the heat of her flushing checks against his back. James was determined to say something, but what he said wasn't what he planned, it just came out.

"Alex, would you mind helping me start a club?"

Alex moved back on the bike slightly, narrowing her eyes.


"My sister and another girl told me they wanted to start a club but," James was regretting saying this; it was surely going to make the whole thing worse. "I need another senior to agree to it before we can start it up."

Alex was unsure of how to respond. She barely knew him, why would she even consider it. But she was regardless.

?How about we make a deal?? James starts to slow his bike as they approach the school. ?You like baseball right? I saw you react to me say it when I was introducing myself.? Alex nods so James continues. ?How about, every Thursday I will practise with you after school. I was in the old school team back in America.?

It took Alex a moment to process the information. No way would she really say-


The bike stopped outside the school and James turned to face her.



Alex climbed off the bike and stuck her hand out for him to shake.

?Deal.? Her voice was serious. James went to shake her hand, but she moved it at the last second and changed it into an ?L? shape on her head to taunt him. ?Thanks for the ride.? Alex said, turned on her heal and walked away.

James felt strange. He was confused and still slightly embarrassed. But he felt another feeling, one he couldn?t quite put his finger on. He shoved it aside. It didn?t matter; he had his second senior member.
Pretty much all of the nervousness I had before is gone now, as I eat more of the vegetables. Several times I accidentally drop one in the fondue and have to use magic to fish it out without getting fondue everywhere.
Chapter 2: Awkward

"Has anyone seen-" Another student opened the door to join the boys, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw James. "...Well, this is a coincidence."

James raised an eyebrow at the boy who walked over to them, he didn't recognise the boy, so what was his problem?

"Nice of you to finally join us." Fein said and pulled up a chair for him.

"Yeah Aions, you took your time." Taylor sighed as the boy sat beside him.

Aions wore a confused look on his face when he glanced at James, cyan eyes narrowed in thought as he ran some fingers through his pure white hair.

"I was looking for the new kid, but I guess it didn't take me very long." Aions patted James on the back playfully.

"Why?" James asked simply.

"Cindra wanted to see you." Aions chuckled as the two other boys shot into life at the mention of her name.

"C-Cindra?!" Fein said quickly as he shook his head. "But, why? She never speaks to anyone!"

"Fein here has been trying to speak to Cindra for years now. What the hell would she want with you?" Taylor spat.

James felt like he was had been given some great honour, as if he had been asked to speak with the Queen.

"Where is she?" James asked getting up and Aions pointed out the door.

"Outside the art room." When Aions explained where she was, James left, curious of what he was walking into.


The boys weren't lying; Cindra was most defiantly the most beautiful girl in school. When James laid eyes on the young girl, she looked back shyly, long golden hair flowing past her shoulders and bright blue eyes gazing at him.

"You wanted to see me?" James asked, still not really sure why he was here.

"We wanted to ask you... To help us with something." Cindra muttered voice like that of a goddess.

"We?" James asked unsure what she meant.

"Brother, we need you to do us a favour!" Misa jumped out from behind Cindra, full of excitement. At the sight of his sister, James felt the urge just to turn around and leave.

"Misa? What are you doing?" James face-palmed.

"We need help with something. You see me and Cindra-" Misa waffled on and James raised a hand to his lips to silence her.

"First off, can you explain why you are with Cindra?"

"Because we are friends!" Misa giggled and turned to face Cindra. "Isn't that right?"

Cindra nodded nervously, it looked as if she had been pressured into this. James was confused; the boys told him she never spoke to anyone. Why on earth is she suddenly friends with Misa, and only after two classes? James let out a sigh, what on earth they could want from me.

"James, right?" Cindra asked a little more confidently. James nodded and urged her to continue. "Me and Misa need you to help us... Start a club."

A club? What? James had a face painted with confusion. He was unsure what to say, it was only his first day and they expect him to start a club!

"A club? Why don't you just start it?" James asked, not really grasping the situation.

"Brother, you see, a club can only be started by a senior, someone in the final year." Misa explained. "So we need you to start it. Please!" Misa gave her brother those eyes again.

James rolled his eyes. Great, it's my first day at school and I am being pressured into creating a stupid club I have no interest in with two high school girls. James let out a big sigh and placed his head in his hands, regretting his next words.

"Fine, I will do it."

Misa and Cindra jumped slightly, happy and full of excitement. "Really? You will?" Cindra cheered.

"I guess." James mumbled as Misa interrupted.

"One final thing, the school rules say we need two seniors to start the club, so you will have to find someone else. Good luck!"


"A club? This is so stupid." James muttered under his breath as he cycled his bike. The sky was still orange, as it was still fairly early in the morning. The previous day, James had his first day of school and was already regretting agreeing with his sister and that girl.

"Who the hell is crazy enough to agree to this stupid club?" James stated to himself as he started to pedal faster down a hill. Sitting back on his saddle he let out a sigh, thinking about what he should do.

It happened suddenly. James didn't see the oncoming bike from around the corner and he didn't have time to respond.


James felt the connection of the two bikes; it was like hitting a brick wall. He cursed as he flew through the air and landed on the floor with a bang.

"****!" James groaned as he lay back on the ground, rubbing his sore head. "What the hell was-?"

James went bright red and his eyes widened.

"Ouch." The other bike rider moaned, spread out just in front of James, back to him. She put a hand on her head to and let out a little cry of pain.

This was... Awkward... James could see directly up the girls’ skirt, but she hadn't seemed to have noticed yet.

"I'm sorry..." James said, pain in his words as the girl turned her head to face him. He recognised the girl, making the whole thing ten times worse. "Alex?"

Alex's face was flushing so hard, it nearly matched her hair. Quickly turning around so she wasn't exposed anymore, she crawled away from him. "J-James!?"

The two lay in silence for while, too embarrassed to say anything, looking at each other with red faces. James was the first to get up; he ran his hand across his bike. It wasn't broken.

"Here." James held out his hand to Alex who looked at him for a second before taking it and getting up.

"Thanks." She muttered and got to her feet. Alex looked at her bike, unlike James's, it wasn't in once piece. A huge sigh escaped her lips as she picked up broken parts of the bike. "Great." She moaned sarcastically.

James climbed onto his bike, he felt really bad for her. "Dammit, I'm sorry about your bike."

She gritted her teeth together, as if she was going to shout, but calmed herself and looked at him.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." Standing up, she backed away from the wreck. "How the hell am I getting to school now?"

"I can give you a ride." James offered, moving forward in the saddle so he could fit her on the back.

Alex nodded reluctantly, she had no other option.


It felt like the ride would never end. A silence hung in the air, with both students unsure of what to say. They sat close on the bike, uncomfortably close. He could feel the heat of her flushing checks against his back. James was determined to say something, but what he said wasn't what he planned, it just came out.

"Alex, would you mind helping me start a club?"

Alex moved back on the bike slightly, narrowing her eyes.


"My sister and another girl told me they wanted to start a club but," James was regretting saying this; it was surely going to make the whole thing worse. "I need another senior to agree to it before we can start it up."

Alex was unsure of how to respond. She barely knew him, why would she even consider it. But she was regardless.

“How about we make a deal?” James starts to slow his bike as they approach the school. “You like baseball right? I saw you react to me say it when I was introducing myself.” Alex nods so James continues. “How about, every Thursday I will practise with you after school. I was in the old school team back in America.”

It took Alex a moment to process the information. No way would she really say-


The bike stopped outside the school and James turned to face her.



Alex climbed off the bike and stuck her hand out for him to shake.

“Deal.” Her voice was serious. James went to shake her hand, but she moved it at the last second and changed it into an ‘L’ shape on her head to taunt him. “Thanks for the ride.” Alex said, turned on her heal and walked away.

James felt strange. He was confused and still slightly embarrassed. But he felt another feeling, one he couldn’t quite put his finger on. He shoved it aside. It didn’t matter; he had his second senior member.

( <33333 )