"You like it?" I ask, smiling. The icy diamond falls out of my pocket, and I quickly put it back in.
(They only started dating like a day ago...)(Aiyoko marriage <3)
(They only started dating like a day ago...)
I look outside, and squeal as I see a dog. "Oh my god!"
I hug the dog, and pet it on the head.
(*ahem* This is Dark Veil. But yeah maybe they should hold off on the marriage until next Gen. 3.)
(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^(Don't hurt me, but I don't really ship them as much as I do Jalex and Feindra... So I am not really bothered about them getting married... Just my opinion...)
"His name is Cooper." I say, and watch him lick all of my friend's faces and let them pet him.
- - - Post Merge - - -
They're cool, but they're no Feindra, Jalex or Raphemisa. They are like the originals.)