Dark Veil 2

"The beach..." I say. "I always loved the beach." I draw two people sitting in chairs, watching a ship sailing through the water.
"Yeah, the beach is always awesome. Yesterday when we went was fun, even though I ended up with a nosebleed at one point because of volleyball," I say, laughing at the thought of it.
"Yeah, so fun." I grin, taking a yellow colored pencil and filling in the girl's hair, while leaving the boy's hair white. I draw small waves gently hitting the shore.
I turn to the next page of my sketchbook to start drawing something else, but there's already a drawing on it. "Aww..." I mutter when I realise that there are no more blank pages.
I flip a page in my sketchbook, and tear it out. I give it to Chiyoko, and realize it was my last page, too. I laugh at the coincidence. I go back to my drawing, and finish it up by putting my name in the corner.
"I guess we'll both have to get new sketchbooks next time we're at the mall," I say. "I don't suppose you have any tape or blu tack or anything, do you?"
"None, sorry." I say, staring at my page. "Hmm..." I think of what else to add. I draw a heart with the letters A and C in the sand between the chairs.
"That's something else I'll have to buy then," I say. Even though I don't have any tape to stick it up like I plan to eventually, I start to draw a crude drawing of two people - A girl with blonde hair and a boy with white hair - holding hands. They're stick figures, the sort of drawing expected of a young child.
"Fein's got to have some tape somewhere, right?" I ask, looking at her drawing. I move closer to her and watch her draw.
(Couldn't you say any ship is unoriginal because it's basically all the same thing?)

I giggle. "We are..."