Dark Veil 2

"Theives, robbers, the like," I say. "While they currently pose little threat to us, we have lots of valuable weaponry, and, well, we're in a mansion."
"Hey! What's this scumbag doing?!" I yell as I enter the room.

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(brb changin my usertitle)

(GTFO! FINE! I had written some Cintay into Dark Veil Highschool! I am just going to delete all that now.)
"The mansion is not threatened. I've had people watching this place since we got here, and we have an extremely high-tech security system." I say, walking down the stairs.
"Doesn't matter. We should still take em out. Five thousand dollar reward put up by police. Per person. Going on..."
"I am! In fact-"
"Shut up," I say in a calm yet direct voice. "Regardless, the money could be a big help to us, and while we have billionaire Fein here, I hate to captialize on others for my own benefit."

(Shipping starts here.)

"We will travel in pairs. I have hand-picked who's going with who. Aions and Chiyoko will travel as one group. James and Alex will travel in another. Fein and Cindra will travel as a group as well. Rapheal and I will be flying solo, since I have confidence in both of us that we can get the job done ourselves. I have a sheet of paper to give to everyone. It contains what you need to do, where you need to be, who to look for, and where to go in case the mission fails."
I take the sheet and look at it. "Okay, it's been a while since we have done any real assignments. This might be fun."
"Hell yeah!"
I handed them all the papers. Aions and Chiyoko would be raiding an oil warehouse, where smugglers kept stolen oil. Fein and Cindra would be raiding a seeming innocent soda warehouse. People were making fake $20 bills there. James and Alex would be attempting to prevent a planned bank robbery. Rapheal, I didn't tell him where he was going, but he was going to be sent to a fast food place in the next city over. I was going to be setting off alarms in the headquarters of the warehouses to distract the corrupt workers.

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"Yes, indeed Chiyoko,"
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"Sounds fun." I smirk and cross my arms. "I'm sure we can stop 'em."
"Only if you can keep up." I roll my eyes making Alex shoot me a look.