Dark Veil 2

I hold the one that I knocked down on the floor with telekinesis, and take out the sheet of paper to compare their faces to the person we're looking for. "These guys don't match either..."
"You know where that guy is?" I ask the two of them.
"No!" The first guy says.
"You'll end up like him if you don't tell us." I say, pointing at the hacked apart body.
"It doesn't matter to us if you end up like that or not, so it's up to you. Spill the beans, or get chopped up," I say. As I speak, another man comes up behind me, but I don't notice him until there's a gash in my arm from his dagger. I cry out, stumbling forward to get away from him.
"Okay, so this is the bank?" I ask as we wait on a roof across from the bank. Alex nods. "When is the heist planned?"
Alex read the sheet. "In about 20 minutes. Ughhhhhh, I can't be bothered to wait!"
I see Chiyoko stumble forward, and notice a gash in her arm. I swing my axe down on the two men, killing them. I turn around and see another, but he has already lunged forward with a knife, stabbing my left eye.
"HELIX!" I scream. I kick him away, and he falls backward.
"****! Did he get you?" I ask, kicking the bodies to make sure they're all either unconscious or dead. I heard Aions scream, but I didn't see if he was stabbed anywhere.
After waiting, I see the robbers go into the bank and I slap James to get his attention. "Okay, so just bust in?"
"Sounds good."
People go running out of the door, thinking their lives were in danger. In reality, I was pulling a prank to distract them from looking at the security footage of the cameras.
I hear screams from the bank and I walk up to the entrance with James. We kick down the door at the same time, spinning our weapons. "Okay hands in the air. Oh, not the hostages, you douchebags." I say and point my scythe at the robbers. James chuckles and starts creating magic in his hands.

- - - Post Merge - - -

( I guess I'm raiding a soda store on my own then :c )

(Screw the rules and join us or something?)
"Oh God... We need to get you to a doctor or something," I say in a panicky voice, trying not to throw up at the sight of the blood covering one side of his face.