Dark Veil 3

I glance at Alex, who seems mortified. I don't know how long I can keep this up...
"Naaaahhhh, one on one is best..."
"Yeah, do you still have the handcuffs off before,?"
I start to wave my arms in embarrassment, gesturing to end the call. kill me.
"Kyon was one of the few real friends I had, one of the ones who didn't ever make fun of me. I haven't seen him since he moved away about a year before I came here though."
"I went on a one night stand, you know to check if I was really gay, and he was a gangsta with handcuffs, and now I am pregnant!"
"Woah, woah, woah, slow down. Why the hell would you have a one night stand with anyone let alone a gangster with handcuffs? What do you mean to check if you were really gay? I thought you'd always been confident of that?"
"BUT KYON, I WAS DRUNK AND HE WAS SORTA SEXY, AND THEN-" I drop the accent and burst out laughing. "Nope, can't keep a straight face."