Dark Veil 3

We go into Times Square, and I see him in the exact same position as last time, next to Zeus, but this time with no pants or shoes. Dammit, James! "That's him," I say. I put my sunglasses on so he doesn't know who I am, and walk over to the podiums.
(He was there for 5 days... XD Jesus)

I facepalm and mumble to myself. What. the. F***

- - - Post Merge - - -

I notice Will try to hide himself, but don't see any of the others. "HEY WILL, GET OVER HERE AND JOIN IN! STRUT YOUR STUFF!"
I look for his clothes. I see only a pair of pants, wet, trampled on, and overall unfixable. I use a spell to create clothes to put on James. "I guess you and Alex ARE meant for each other," I say, putting the clothes on.
I just raise an eyebrow as he helps dress me, but I pull the shirt on. "Hey! You think I'm drunk! IM NOT DRUUUUUUUUNK! But thanks for saving my sexy butt, Zeus isn't sexy enough to chill with. And his chest creeps me out."
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(My WiFi is being awful and slow, I'm just gonna go off before it ends up going off completely. One.of you guys can have control of Willow if you want :p)
I put the pants on him. "Now let's get out of here…"

"Haha! I win, sucker!" I yell, kind of weakened by the weather for the past 5 days.

I sigh. "Well, that was easy…"

"Actually, no." I ride with my chariot on near Zeus. Everybody who sees me runs away except 5 kids and Zeus.
(Is that hades?)
"Are we ready to go- wait, what the hell?" I blurt out.
"Uhhh, all the talking hurts my head. Everyone just.... Shhhhhhhhh...." I say drunkly.
"It's about ****ing time I caught Zeus at his weakest. Olympus will be mine, and the sea after that…"

I stand, not knowing what to do, because he is a god, and is very intimidating.
"For the love of god not you again!" I blurt out, pointing my finger at Hades. "How did you get out the underworld?"
I just stand, not sure what the hell is going on, but reach for my weapon slowly that I had dropped earlier.
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I angrily frown and start to lash my arms about. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY SISTER AND MY FRIENDS! YOU UGLY-"
I put James in a headlock. "Calm down! You are to drunk to do anything!"
(I finished Death Note today! So sad ;_; )

"Let me try something…"

I create a large tornado around us and Hades, so nobody can see. "Give it up, Hades. Zeus rules the sky, Poseidon rules the sea, and you're stuck in the underworld. And that's always how it's going to be."
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(Have you reached the point where you no longer know what to do with your time?)
I stand nearby to Alex (and James in a headlock) watching, unsure what I would be able to do to help.
"Yeah, I don't get what exactly is going on, but Hades, no way are we letting you take over or kill anyone!" I say, grabbing my weapon tightly and letting James out the head lock.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(My boi, L. *cries*)