Dark Veil 3

I slow down a bit to let Misa catch up with me, and we make it to the castle. I slowly open the doors, and motion for Misa to enter. "Ladies first," I smile.
( Ah. cx )

I smile, and continue eating my plate piled with French Toast.
Another girl from the funeral who I didn't properly introduce myself to enters the caf?. "Hey, I'm Will. What's your name?"
"Either way, I'll be happy." I pat my stomach. "If it's a girl, I'm name her Rachel. If it's a boy, I'll name him Raphael."
I enter cautiously, waiting in the darkness inside for Raphael to follow.
"Hey Shady," I smile as she walks over.
"So, er, what's your name?" I ask the girl with Will, who hasn't spoken to me yet.
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I smile at the name choices. "Nice names," I tell Cindra.

I close the door after myself, and walk down the candle-lit halls. I approach a balcony showing Persephone's garden. The garden is filled with beautiful flowers. I keep walking around, and I hear yelling from what sounds like a god. "Hades…" I whisper to Misa, and creep down the halls.
"He sounds quite close to us," I whisper, following him around. It's still quite creepy in here, but it doesn't scare me anymore.