Dark Veil 3

"You're the only person who would knowingly drink something poisoned, you know," I giggle. "But it means we're together now," I add, grinning.
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"Both of you stop it. You're all acting immature in public, and you scared away a couple customers," I say, remembering all the times I said that to Raphael. I go to the bathroom, trying not to be identified with them.

"Forever, too…" I say. I look around. "Do you want to walk around the beach?"
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"Yeah." I say honestly. "I don't know why you girls are fighting, there is an obvious solution."
"And what?s that?"
"I can just have you both- UFFF!" I get food thrown off my face by Alex. "That was a joke! No need to be so serious!"
I giggle, then remember what one girl had said who is now moping in a chair. "What was that that girl over there said?" I jab my finger towards her. "She said you have a kid?"
I lock myself in a stall, listening to the conversation for when we decide to leave. I check my phone and look at pictures of Raphael and I almost 7 years ago.

I walk around, seeing all types of people. I even catch a few famous people, like Shakespeare, Ghandi,etc. I take in the breeze of the beach, looking around at the mansions and palm trees. And I look at Misa. For the first time since she died, I feel at peace...
I frown. "WHO do you think you are, flirting with another girl when you have a kid?! Shame on you!"

"Ooo, you just got told, James."
"Woah woah woah woah hey, I don't 'flirt', girls just fall for me, you know. Any way, you were flirting too!" I start cringing.
"How was I supposed to know you were taken?" I smirk.

"She has a point you know."
I come out of the bathroom, and I notice Rachel, Raphael's sister, for the first time. "Hey, Rachel! I guess Raphael did find you after all!" (BTW that's Cindra, she used to be Rachel)

I return Misa's gaze, with the relaxing music playing from a band in the distance. "This is the best moment of my life - er, death," I say, correcting myself.
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"Well someone as … cool… as me was obviously going to be taken..." I go red, looking away.
“That’s a big fat lie.”
"Huh? Oh..hi." I look away shyly. "I go by Cindra now.."

"Huh? Two names?" I look around, confusion etched on my face.