Dark Veil 3

I look over and see a familiar face. "Caylin! Where have you been?!" I hurry over to her and take of her hat so I can see her cat ears. "Wow, your cat ears are still so kawaii!" I joke, hoping not to offended her.
"Long story, mostly involving Shady, who is now off God knows where trying to rescue her brother," I say. Our of the corner of my eye, I see the other girl put a hat on hurriedly, only for James to take it off again.
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"Thank you.." I say quietly, nervously playing with my hair. "How is..everyone?"
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"It's complicated. Some of the dark veil members are gone now, but everyone else seems to be okay. Unless there is someone in particular you are thinking of?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Your cat ears are adorable!" I tell the girl, gently flicking them.

I gently push Willow away and hug at Caylin's head. "Woah woah woah, I saw them first, finders keepers! Them ears are mine!" I stick my tongue out.
"N-no..nobody in particular. I suppose you're wondering why I've been gone?" I say, looking up at him from behind my glasses.
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"well well look who fell for it shady" I say while laughing and then say "your brother is already dead and get her boys" my eyes went wide and I started to fight them.
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( Heehee... )

"Lets just say that some people were curious about my ears...and those people were scientists. And I barely survived with my mind intact?"
I instantly jumps back, hugging her ears might be a bit awkward after that story. "Oh, thank helix you're okay. I'm sorry if... My hugging has squished your ears..."
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When there was one person left In the lab alive I went up to him and Said " I am not who I use to be and I am not weak so this is revenge for killing my brother"
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I pat my ears to make sure they are still there, and put my hat back on. "Is..Sam around?"