( I just finished typing up a rant on how much I hate my life.)
"I…guess we could," I say. "We'll show some of the rookies what they'll be doing."
( I just finished typing up a rant on how much I hate my life.)
(That apparently took less than a minute to type…)
I get out some weed snappers, snapping the rope in two and catching him as he falls. "Do you need a shirt?" I recommend.
( ... Thanks for making me feel worse when I already feel like crap. )
( It's pretty complicated. About my stupid condition. )
"Eeesh, you didn't have to do it right now!" I exclaim, going over to Will. "I've gotten better since before." I state plainly, and tap the cut. It closes up neatly, and I am barely fazed. "Also, I can do some magic." I conjure a fireball in my hand and shoot it at Shady. It stops an inch from her face, and bursts into sparks. "Cool, huh?"
"Not insane, just mentally challenged," I whisper to Willow.