Death Penalty

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PurpleHeart said:
*trevor said:
PurpleHeart said:
*trevor said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
Its like his saying my opinion is dumb. He has his own opinion but you dont see me trying to smash my head
And opinions can't be dumb? I'm sorry, but you've been lied to if you think your opinions are inherently unassailable.
That's why they are called Opinions one person may not be right but its what the person thinks
My opinion is that wheels should be square.

^It's an opinion, but it's a dumb one. There is such a thing as a dumb opinion, and you're idiotic if you think otherwise.
PurpleHeart said:
*trevor said:
PurpleHeart said:
*trevor said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
That's why they are called Opinions one person may not be right but its what the person thinks
Yes, that is... a definition of an opinion. Sort of. What you don't seem to understand is that just saying "that's my opinion" doesn't shelter it or you from the resulting criticism.
Yes but everyone has different point of views. Like some people think...Miley Cyrus cant sing but others say she can. Its from were you see it
... What? First of all, when people say "she can't sing" what they mean is "she can't sing well". That comes down to a matter of taste and preference, but that too isn't safe from critique.

I also just realized that I'm talking to a 13-year-old. I know you've probably spent most of your life in the postmodernist public schooling system, but in reality the idea that opinions are all about interpretation is simply childish. Don't waste people's time comparing beliefs about major issues to taste in art.
PurpleHeart said:
*trevor said:
PurpleHeart said:
*trevor said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
That's why they are called Opinions one person may not be right but its what the person thinks
Yes, that is... a definition of an opinion. Sort of. What you don't seem to understand is that just saying "that's my opinion" doesn't shelter it or you from the resulting criticism.
Yes but everyone has different point of views. Like some people think...Miley Cyrus cant sing but others say she can. Its from were you see it
No, everyone agrees she's able to sing, it's whether or not you think she sings well that's up for discussion.
And also, that response completely ignored what Trevor said in his post.
Jas0n said:
PurpleHeart said:
*trevor said:
PurpleHeart said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
And opinions can't be dumb? I'm sorry, but you've been lied to if you think your opinions are inherently unassailable.
That's why they are called Opinions one person may not be right but its what the person thinks
My opinion is that wheels should be square.

^It's an opinion, but it's a dumb one. There is such a thing as a dumb opinion, and you're idiotic if you think otherwise.
There probably are dumb opinions but not everyone has those. Im saying its the way people see it from
d7crab said:
*trevor said:
d7crab said:
What is the point of keeping someone alive who not only contributes nothing useful to society, but instead kills/traumatizes others? I like the idea of eye for eye penalty but only if there were thorough investigations and DNA evidence.
Shari'a Law in the USA, baby!

Eye for an eye is an archaic ideal, in my humble opinion. I believe Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
PurpleHeart said:
Jas0n said:
PurpleHeart said:
*trevor said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
That's why they are called Opinions one person may not be right but its what the person thinks
My opinion is that wheels should be square.

^It's an opinion, but it's a dumb one. There is such a thing as a dumb opinion, and you're idiotic if you think otherwise.
There probably are dumb opinions but not everyone has those. Im saying its the way people see it from
Come back to this thread in 5 years please.
*trevor said:
PurpleHeart said:
*trevor said:
PurpleHeart said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
Yes, that is... a definition of an opinion. Sort of. What you don't seem to understand is that just saying "that's my opinion" doesn't shelter it or you from the resulting criticism.
Yes but everyone has different point of views. Like some people think...Miley Cyrus cant sing but others say she can. Its from were you see it
... What? First of all, when people say "she can't sing" what they mean is "she can't sing well". That comes down to a matter of taste and preference, but that too isn't safe from critique.

I also just realized that I'm talking to a 13-year-old. I know you've probably spent most of your life in the postmodernist public schooling system, but in reality the idea that opinions are all about interpretation is simply childish. Don't waste people's time comparing beliefs about major issues to taste in art.
Im not even gonna say nothing
Why does everyone think the little kids dont have the right to say things? Most of us are smart enough to see the life we live in.
Pally said:
*trevor said:
Pally said:
*trevor said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
Lol I'm not mad at you or anything Trevorlia. It's just a topic hurr. :]

No what I'm saying is if Ciaran did something to me in the past that I felt was something that he deserves to be punished for and I went to go kill him as his punishment, then I got a death sentence is their any real difference between me and the goverment?
And yes Rob murder is the worst crime out there. I agree 110%. But I don't believe that to justify a murder we have to take another life away. It's just as wrong.
Yes. You're taking justice into your own hands, which is an action that our society attempts to make unnecessary. On top of that, the justice system, assuming that it did hand down the death sentence for a murder with extenuating circumstances, would be taking the life of a murderer. You would have not.
But at the end of the day if we forget all labels (murderer, victim, judge)
What has happened? Two people have lost their lives. Is that a right thing?
I feel like you guys missed my post. ;__;
PurpleHeart said:
Why does everyone think the little kids dont have the right to say things? Most of us are smart enough to see the life we live in.
Because it's too mature of a conversation for someone with lack of life experience.
PurpleHeart said:
Why does everyone think the little kids dont have the right to say things? Most of us are smart enough to see the life we live in.
How old are you?
Olivia! said:
PurpleHeart said:
Why does everyone think the little kids dont have the right to say things? Most of us are smart enough to see the life we live in.
How old are you?
she is 13
this should have been in "off topic", i could have used the post counts D:
Jas0n said:
PurpleHeart said:
Why does everyone think the little kids dont have the right to say things? Most of us are smart enough to see the life we live in.
Because it's too mature of a conversation for someone with lack of life experience.
We are a new generation. Not the kids 10 years ago who only cared about playing. Our parents taught us about life because they wanna prepare us for it.
PurpleHeart said:
Jas0n said:
PurpleHeart said:
Why does everyone think the little kids dont have the right to say things? Most of us are smart enough to see the life we live in.
Because it's too mature of a conversation for someone with lack of life experience.
We are a new generation. Not the kids 10 years ago who only cared about playing. Our parents taught us about life because they wanna prepare us for it.
Trust me, if you think you know about life at your age then you've got a long and hard road ahead of you.
PurpleHeart said:
Why does everyone think the little kids dont have the right to say things? Most of us are smart enough to see the life we live in.
Please, point out to me one instance where I said you have no right to state your opinion.

Jason's just being an *censored.1.3*.
*trevor said:
PurpleHeart said:
Why does everyone think the little kids dont have the right to say things? Most of us are smart enough to see the life we live in.
Please, point out to me one instance where I said you have no right to state your opinion.

Jason's just being an *censored.1.3*.
Oh, I think she has a right to state her opinion, whether it's valid is another story.
Jas0n said:
PurpleHeart said:
Jas0n said:
PurpleHeart said:
Why does everyone think the little kids dont have the right to say things? Most of us are smart enough to see the life we live in.
Because it's too mature of a conversation for someone with lack of life experience.
We are a new generation. Not the kids 10 years ago who only cared about playing. Our parents taught us about life because they wanna prepare us for it.
Trust me, if you think you know about life at your age then you've got a long and hard road ahead of you.
Sure we havent live 18 years of our lifes but that dosent mean we dont know nothing.
PurpleHeart said:
Jas0n said:
PurpleHeart said:
Why does everyone think the little kids dont have the right to say things? Most of us are smart enough to see the life we live in.
Because it's too mature of a conversation for someone with lack of life experience.
We are a new generation. Not the kids 10 years ago who only cared about playing. Our parents taught us about life because they wanna prepare us for it.
Uhh. Alright. I think it would be fair to say that we're from the same generation, so I'm not sure what your point is.
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