To quote someone I saw on this thread: I don't know what some of you are smoking, but I'd like some to see what you all see in this game, to be honest. This game is objectively lacking a LOT of stuff and trying to cover it by implementing landscaping options or being able to place furniture outside is not going to make it go away (both are awesome features, mind you, but there's so much you can do before you get bored with it or finish modeling and decorating your island).
It's been a year and it still doesn't live up to its predecessors (not only New Leaf, which I know some people don't like comparing them for whatever reason) when they were released. The game was completely barebones, even worse than City Folk, which is saying something, when it was released because they didn't want time-travelers to spoil the game and burn out earlier or because they wanted players to remain engaged for a longer time, you name it. The problem is they intentionally withheld content that had always been in the game before just so they could create their "cute" trailers and present them as if they were brand-new additions, which they were not for the most part. As far as I know, these updates have only brought some new reactions and furniture items that replaced other existing items, they didn't add to them. I strongly believe this doesn't warrant making us wait for months on end until they release a half-baked update that will give us content for a whole day and then nothing else. Call me a pessimist or whatever, but that's not how anyone should expect an AAA game such as this one to be treated, especially taking into account the astounding figures and sales it has achieved. You might think that Nintendo would've decided to support the game with those sales, but no, instead, they only waited for a year before starting to implement paid DLC. Sure, those cards already existed, but one would think they would've waited until everything or mostly everything was in the game before resorting to that.
Villagers haven't looked cuter and better in the past, in my opinion, but if they're these shallow pixels that can't go two minutes without repeating the same thing, they're not really that worth it. It's been datamined for months now that they're going to implement new interactions with them, such as having them visit your house. Well, what are they waiting for? Where are all or most furniture sets that are missing? Where are all or most NPCs that are missing? Did they really release the game without having taken all of this into account and only now that people are complaining about its shallowness have they decided to "look into implementing" these options? I think the game was in development long enough to deeply consider what previous games had in order to build upon it, not take away. I honestly would love to know what people do to spend 3,000 hours playing? It's mind-boggling to me, to be honest.
I swear I'm not bashing this game simply for the sake of it, but because I want it to be better, both as a standalone game but also with respect to its predecessors. I've been holding out hope that they would do more than simply unlock what was there from the beginning in the past, but now it's clear to me that I should never have expected a multibillion-dollar company to do such a thing. The problem is that if most people are complacent, they won't feel the need to make an effort and will keep drip-feeding us these whopping 1-item updates every two months until they decide it's no longer worth their time.