
I'm not concerned if only because I'm pretty sure Nintendo, the team, developers, what have you have a set release schedule. I could shout to the heavens for Brewster, get upset but at the end of the day he'll be released on that timeframe. I'd just prefer to enjoy the game for what it is, the community, and when along with if the content I want comes about great.
You can find fault with any game if you look hard enough, I just can't be bothered wasting my time on negativity. I enjoy the game for what it is, and I think everyone else should as well.

If you stepped out on to the street tomorrow and get hit by a car, are your last thoughts going to be 'Man...I miss Tortimer...'

I agree with you here 100%. Yes you can have your opinions on what is good or bad about the game. But it doesn't change the fact that this is the way the game was made. If it's become less enjoyable, move onto another game? I don't really see the need to spread so much negativity about the game, but hey like I said people are free to express their opinions.

I enjoy playing the game for what it is. I try to keep my complaints to a minimum. They won't change nothing.
If Nintendo stopped the updates after this one I would okay, because as of right now I've got over 900 hrs in New Horizons which is very much getting my money's worth out the game. The great thing is they aren't stopping the free updates. It's just extra enjoyment and adding some longevity in my opinion. So there is no disappointment for me to feel or worry for the future of the game, because I'm perfectly content with the time I spent on the game so far. Are there things I would of liked to be different? Sure, but that is life. We don't get everything we want. The positives of New Horizons greatly outweighs the negatives for me. :)
I've been bored with NH for many months now. The bored feeling has gotten worse now that I've completed the museum except for the art, and Redd is so unreliable about actually having real art that I need that I'm half tempted to finally TT (no, I still haven't) to get it all.

A year ago I would play for hours every day. Now I play for maybe 5-10 minutes each day that I do play, and I only play a few times a week at best. I do play more whenever there's an update, but only as long as it takes to collect the new items. It got bad enough in January that I actually didn't play for about 2 weeks straight and only came back because of the end of January update. That's been my biggest time off so far.

At this point, unless Nintendo does a massive Welcome Amiibo-style update, I don't know how much longer I'll be playing this game consistently or even at all. NH is just very heavy on exterior island design and I'm pretty satisifed with my island. I'd need dramatic changes like more buildings or a lot more furniture options to feel inspired enough to do a redesign of my island. Outside of exterior island design, there simply isn't much to do in it.
I won't really talk about the recent update or the overall in-game content because I think everyone already said everything. I will only say that I personally am okay with this game's state and with my 300 hours spent in it. I did quit twice but I quit EVERY GAME and I only managed to finish games like Life is Strange and only once - Skyrim after yeeeears of having it. I agree though that adding some more abilities for villagers would be nice, especially for people whose islands are finished and they don't have much to do besides interacting with villagers. So I would do a biiiig yay for more personality to villagers! If not - I'm still okay.

However, the thing that's concerning me a bit is the lack of online activities nowadays, I mean, from my perspective. I know, the game lost its hype a bit and so there are less people playing, but it's a bit sad I rarely have the opportunity to come to another person meteor shower or something like that and just hang out (I see some post in the airport, but they are usually in the other timezone in time when I'm asleep). So for people who are a bit bored with the game - how about accepting the imperfections of online and doing something together? Some event, some fishing contest, some chasing each other in a maze with axes in hands? XD I think that could be nice to make our experience a little bit better together c:
I think the game's biggest problem is that most players have "finished" their islands and are looking for something new to do. The game has done an amazing job with exterior design gameplay, but that has a shelf-life. Most people, especially veterans, are more or less done decorating their islands and logging in to pull weeds or move flowers around is a chore.

The game needs some more daily activities for endgame players. Whether that's mini-games, the "city", a lottery system, or extremely high-end items (in bells or NMT's), we need some more long-term goals to keep people playing.

On a similar note, I'm not sure if I agree with Nintendo's hyper-efficient design regarding shops. I get that they want to keep everything open for space reasons, but there is a certain loneliness to the island with so many prominent characters missing or only barely referenced or alluded to.
I hear everyone's concerns, however I do not share those concerns. I adore NH. I've played AC since the GameCube days and NH is hands down my favourite iteration.

I checked my log yesterday and it shows 1,200 hours enjoyed so far and I continue to play every day. Not bad for a bare bones game lacking content!
Wow, so many opinions that I can relate to. On both sides!

Yes, there are a few things I am missing that might make this a game I would put hours a day in for. Brewster should already be here, because I miss him. But as long as I can kinda hope the cafe will be back, it's okay.

I never played the game for hours a day tbh. I still have almost 500 hours in a year, which is impressive (if you played double that: woah ... dedication!). But ACNH is not an MMO. I treat any update and addition as a gift that I did not expect. Yes, some are more for me than others, but all in all... we play this game about 20 minutes a day on average. It's relaxing. We do the same things every morning, and for us that is enough. So for us at least it gives us what we need.

Now talk to me about The Sims 2, 3 and 4 and you'd get a whole different vibe from me. So I do understand if people are worried, or upset or bored with ACNH. I can offer my solution: stop playing the game (so much, at least?) because I just figured that being upset about The Sims 4 was not worth it. And I basically dialed back my playtime on that game by a lot. Now when I do feel the itch and I play, at least it scratches something before I get irrationally upset (it's bad guys, you don't want me to start my ranting...).

The take-away is, for me, you don't have to like the game all the time, equally, and just like everyone else. You are totally entitled to complain, be worried and upset. But then ask if it is worth it, or if you might need to find a way to spend time playing with friends online somewhere else? And come back when you miss your fave villager to recharge your AC battery.

Am I worried? No. I got a lot of free updates, I still play after a year and I did not expect to when I started. I kinda expected there to be an end to updates, to be honest. And then maybe looking forward to the next version of the game. .... Yeah, kinda like how I am almost looking forward to The Sims 5, but I am way more worried about that game and the direction that actual money sink is going in.

Maybe we can suggest mini games we can fabricate ourselves in ACNH? I read about burying stuff on your island and challenging friends to dig up treasure. Or make a maze. It's so customizable, you can really entertain people if you want.
I'm not sure I agree that the game is missing as much as you say it is.

Its got the core NPCs in Tom nook, isabell, timmy and Tommy, able sisters, that the game really needs to function. It's got the holiday NPCs. It's got leif and redd. We have kicks.

Its missing porter but we don't have a train station. We have an air port with its own NPCs.

We are missing the pelicans. They got replaced by the post card stand. Outside of charm nothing has changed there.

Harriet is missing but she has no purpose in this game. We can change our appearance when we want which is so much better.

We are missing tortimers island which I don't miss since it was weird having a summer island all year where we could get the best bugs and fish really easily. I do very much miss the mini games from it though.

We don't have katrina but she never actually did anything beyond say what your luck is once a week. Luck is gone and I dont miss it.

There are missing furniture items, but we have gained new furniture as well as kept a lot of the old too.

And there is brewster which is data mined to be coming back.

I think if you looked at it a bit closer, you would see the vast majority of the older games is still in this game. It's just a few bells and whistles you'd like back.

Brewster has been datamined for
I would love for all the content from the previous games to be back but to those who are disappointed with the missing stuff, I don’t think it’s going to change anything and be that magical thing that’s going to keep you playing for another 1000 hours like when the game was new. I’m excited to have Brewster back as much as anyone but after a week, everyone will probably treat him just like the Nook twins. Bulk crafting and shopping cart? Is that really going to change your enjoyment of the game now? Maybe for newcomers it will be an excellent update. Old furniture from New leaf coming back? Sure, it’s going to be great decorating some new areas for a couple of weeks but after that, it’s back to waiting for the next furniture update.

I’m sorry but if you’re not finding joy playing the game right now, I don’t think any sort of update will change that. Maybe it’s just time to move onto another game or take a break and come back when you find a reason to enjoy the game again.

Is Brewster really coming back? He’s been datamined to be in the game since the update that added bushes and art which I believe was the second update to the game.
I enjoy the game and am really excited for this update... but I made peace with the fact that a lot of the things I wish were in the game may never arrive. The cafe, sweets set (or really, just *more* sets and items), building customizations, a game island, villager visits, etc. I'm okay with that.

It's not that all the 'missing' npcs or features should return, it's that NH hasn't replaced them with anything significant to fill out the game. Wisp, Celeste, and Gullivarrr are the only ones offering something new, but it's not much in terms of actual play.
Harriet/Shampoodle is now a mirror.
Shrunk has been replaced by your villagers just telling you about reactions.
Cyrus is just the diy table.
The pelicans are now just a postcard stand.
The police station is a recycle bin.
There's nothing to replace Katrina, Brewster, Kappn, and Katie.
And the Happy Home Academy are just mystery people sending too many letters.

Having so few characters and shops makes the game feel more empty and lack personality... and even more so when your villagers don't visit/invite you over, or come back to visit after they move away... and there's no cooperative games to play with strangers or friends.
It's just me and my shovel most of the time.

There's too many missing items/sets to get them all back. It doesn't have to be the exact same set, but it'd be nice to have a futuristic set, a classic country white set, a regal/luxurious set, a gothic set, a messy set, and a sweets set. The sets that exist are very nice and well done, but limited. NL had like 40 sets... NH has maybe half that? There's different color variations, but I'd rather have more variety than just different colors.

All that said, NH is much more polished (less things maybe, but better done.) Terraforming and crafting have been literal game changers. There's been huge improvements in everything from inventory space and storage to villager move-out mechanics. The game is beautiful and the weather/atmosphere is very well done. Harv's studio is great and underappreciated. Overall, I like it more than New Leaf, I just wish it had a few things New Leaf had to make it perfect. There's still updates coming and I'm happy with the game as is, so it should only get better. There's also the whole covid thing which has messed with just about everyone's plans, so maybe they're a bit behind schedule, too.
To quote someone I saw on this thread: I don't know what some of you are smoking, but I'd like some to see what you all see in this game, to be honest. This game is objectively lacking a LOT of stuff and trying to cover it by implementing landscaping options or being able to place furniture outside is not going to make it go away (both are awesome features, mind you, but there's so much you can do before you get bored with it or finish modeling and decorating your island).

It's been a year and it still doesn't live up to its predecessors (not only New Leaf, which I know some people don't like comparing them for whatever reason) when they were released. The game was completely barebones, even worse than City Folk, which is saying something, when it was released because they didn't want time-travelers to spoil the game and burn out earlier or because they wanted players to remain engaged for a longer time, you name it. The problem is they intentionally withheld content that had always been in the game before just so they could create their "cute" trailers and present them as if they were brand-new additions, which they were not for the most part. As far as I know, these updates have only brought some new reactions and furniture items that replaced other existing items, they didn't add to them. I strongly believe this doesn't warrant making us wait for months on end until they release a half-baked update that will give us content for a whole day and then nothing else. Call me a pessimist or whatever, but that's not how anyone should expect an AAA game such as this one to be treated, especially taking into account the astounding figures and sales it has achieved. You might think that Nintendo would've decided to support the game with those sales, but no, instead, they only waited for a year before starting to implement paid DLC. Sure, those cards already existed, but one would think they would've waited until everything or mostly everything was in the game before resorting to that.

Villagers haven't looked cuter and better in the past, in my opinion, but if they're these shallow pixels that can't go two minutes without repeating the same thing, they're not really that worth it. It's been datamined for months now that they're going to implement new interactions with them, such as having them visit your house. Well, what are they waiting for? Where are all or most furniture sets that are missing? Where are all or most NPCs that are missing? Did they really release the game without having taken all of this into account and only now that people are complaining about its shallowness have they decided to "look into implementing" these options? I think the game was in development long enough to deeply consider what previous games had in order to build upon it, not take away. I honestly would love to know what people do to spend 3,000 hours playing? It's mind-boggling to me, to be honest.

I swear I'm not bashing this game simply for the sake of it, but because I want it to be better, both as a standalone game but also with respect to its predecessors. I've been holding out hope that they would do more than simply unlock what was there from the beginning in the past, but now it's clear to me that I should never have expected a multibillion-dollar company to do such a thing. The problem is that if most people are complacent, they won't feel the need to make an effort and will keep drip-feeding us these whopping 1-item updates every two months until they decide it's no longer worth their time.
You can find fault with any game if you look hard enough, I just can't be bothered wasting my time on negativity. I enjoy the game for what it is, and I think everyone else should as well.

If you stepped out on to the street tomorrow and get hit by a car, are your last thoughts going to be 'Man...I miss Tortimer...'
if I die before he arrives, pour one out for brewster in my stead
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And the Happy Home Academy are just mystery people sending too many letters.
let's be honest: this is just a reversion back to what they used to be
I've still got faith that they will add more of the old furniture sets, Brewster + the Café, Katrina, and Tortimer Island + Kapp'n, and hopefully more house and Nook Shop upgrades.
But it is annoying waiting this long.

THis is the most popular AC game to date; I don't see them halting the updates any time soon, and New Leaf got that big update many years after it came out.

Just gotta be patient. Take a break. Play other games
NH is a different game, with different kinds of content than other games. It's no perfect and could be improved. I'm not concerned for the future because I'm already satisfied with the game, even much more than anticipated.

Some features from older games would be cool to see, like Brewster, the gyroids and online minigames. I'm no longer as excited as I was to see these features coming on future updates thanks to the people constantly yelling as if they were holy grails. Some features from older games I'm glad they took out, like the luck system, the animals being mean or the grass deterioration. Other features I was more or less indifferent, like the furniture sets from previous games- I now definitely don't want them back but won't complain if they are added.

NH has always been held to unachievable golden standards and hype. Nothing actually doable would have satisfied some people. This is not about people expecting "things that are on previous game", this is about people literally expecting a Frankenstein game with ALL the features of ALL games with NEW features AND constant updates. Yes, I would have also loved to see that game, but I would be playing it on 2030.

People keep failing to understand that almost copy/pasting all your furniture items from a previous game wasn't possible with the jump to HD for example. Like, the villager photos of previous games are mostly the same, while NH took its time to give each photo a different pose or background.

This is also about how people use concepts/definitions such as "staple of the series" only when it's convenient for them. When you have that kind of double standards, nothing will satisfy you.

This is not about how some people can be disappointed. You can. You can dislike, even hate the game. Most things are subjective, and even if one can only roll his eyes at seeing some absolutely baffling takes about the let's say the quality of furniture, that's a subjective opinion and welp, nothing to do. But if you are trying to discuss objective things, like numbers; then you can expect people discussing with you- because that is subject to debate. For example, I really, really can't understand how people can objectively say New Horizons is devoid of content or is barebones. This is not a personal attack or something passive agressive, I just keep being perplexed about how that statement is still thrown around as a matter of fact.

100% agree.
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To quote someone I saw on this thread: I don't know what some of you are smoking, but I'd like some to see what you all see in this game, to be honest. This game is objectively lacking a LOT of stuff and trying to cover it by implementing landscaping options or being able to place furniture outside is not going to make it go away (both are awesome features, mind you, but there's so much you can do before you get bored with it or finish modeling and decorating your island).

It's been a year and it still doesn't live up to its predecessors (not only New Leaf, which I know some people don't like comparing them for whatever reason) when they were released. The game was completely barebones, even worse than City Folk, which is saying something, when it was released because they didn't want time-travelers to spoil the game and burn out earlier or because they wanted players to remain engaged for a longer time, you name it. The problem is they intentionally withheld content that had always been in the game before just so they could create their "cute" trailers and present them as if they were brand-new additions, which they were not for the most part. As far as I know, these updates have only brought some new reactions and furniture items that replaced other existing items, they didn't add to them. I strongly believe this doesn't warrant making us wait for months on end until they release a half-baked update that will give us content for a whole day and then nothing else. Call me a pessimist or whatever, but that's not how anyone should expect an AAA game such as this one to be treated, especially taking into account the astounding figures and sales it has achieved. You might think that Nintendo would've decided to support the game with those sales, but no, instead, they only waited for a year before starting to implement paid DLC. Sure, those cards already existed, but one would think they would've waited until everything or mostly everything was in the game before resorting to that.

Villagers haven't looked cuter and better in the past, in my opinion, but if they're these shallow pixels that can't go two minutes without repeating the same thing, they're not really that worth it. It's been datamined for months now that they're going to implement new interactions with them, such as having them visit your house. Well, what are they waiting for? Where are all or most furniture sets that are missing? Where are all or most NPCs that are missing? Did they really release the game without having taken all of this into account and only now that people are complaining about its shallowness have they decided to "look into implementing" these options? I think the game was in development long enough to deeply consider what previous games had in order to build upon it, not take away. I honestly would love to know what people do to spend 3,000 hours playing? It's mind-boggling to me, to be honest.

I swear I'm not bashing this game simply for the sake of it, but because I want it to be better, both as a standalone game but also with respect to its predecessors. I've been holding out hope that they would do more than simply unlock what was there from the beginning in the past, but now it's clear to me that I should never have expected a multibillion-dollar company to do such a thing. The problem is that if most people are complacent, they won't feel the need to make an effort and will keep drip-feeding us these whopping 1-item updates every two months until they decide it's no longer worth their time.

How can you not be bashing the game for the sake of it while claiming the game is - according to you - completely barebones (even compared to CF). Like, are you for real? That is objectively false.
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Personally, I'm not worried. I love this game and still play every day, and also often feel like I've run out of things to do. But...I'm kind of okay with that? How many games could I put close to 1000 hours into, and still feel the same crazy drive to play from dawn til dusk? For me, just because I don't want to spend every waking hour on my island a year after launch, that doesn't make it a bad game.

I loved NL too, but I personally can't see how anyone could call NH barebones in comparison. I remember when those NH trailers came out, and how staggered my friends and I were to see what this new game would be capable of. Terraforming! Decorating outdoors! The ability to craft and customise hundreds of our own items! The ability to move and rearrange buildings however we want! It's been a year now, and we've all gotten so used to the luxury of having all these features, that we forget what a huge deal it was at the time. NL had so much charm, but looking back, I can't remember what there was to do outside of decorating your house! There are characters that I miss, sure, but pretty much every one has been replaced with new functionality that makes things a thousand times easier. Could you imagine how outraged the players would have been if Nintendo had focused solely on regurgitating the same content, then asked us to pay for it again?

I feel like the pandemic has really compounded people's frustration, too. When the game launched, so many of us were stuck inside and had the opportunity to play the game way more intensely than we perhaps otherwise would have. Maybe if our schedules had been more normal, burnout wouldn't have settled in for so many so fast? It's clear Nintendo wasn't prepared to churn out new content and updates at the rate that the fanbase was now expecting them.

There is one major concern that I do understand, and that's where I think Nintendo really messed up - the whole one island per switch thing. It was so easy to have multiple towns on NL that the longevity of the game was massively increased for that reason alone. Now that we're limited to one island without buying a second console, once people decide their island is finished, they're understandably going to wonder where they go from there.
To quote someone I saw on this thread: I don't know what some of you are smoking, but I'd like some to see what you all see in this game, to be honest. This game is objectively lacking a LOT of stuff and trying to cover it by implementing landscaping options or being able to place furniture outside is not going to make it go away (both are awesome features, mind you, but there's so much you can do before you get bored with it or finish modeling and decorating your island).

You can't say something is objective based on how you feel. It isn't OBJECTIVELY barebones; that's how you feel, not how all of us feel. I find it has more than what the previous games have offered.

If you feel done with the game and you feel it's barebones, that's a-okay. But please don't make others sound like they have poor taste, or that they're "smoking" something simply because they like a game and how it's made. Thought that after everything that went down in another thread, that people would be past stuff like that.
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I'm very happy for those of you who say the game is wonderful and are very happy with it, but I think the matter is very simple: I (we) just want to feel like you, and at the moment I do. I was promised an Animal Crossing game and I feel they haven't delivered. I was given a template of an AC game with some (really amazing) new things and a lot of things missing. I know that when I bought it, and I accepted, but with the idea in mind that most of the things that have been in animal crossing for decades would still be there. I started with Wild World and have played all of them since. I played almost every day for 2-3 years to each of those games except City Folk, since I found it mostly boring and decided to give up after 3-4 months. Now, I still play NH, that's true, but I've been feeling a similar thing as with CF for the past 6 months. The only reason I've continued playing is because of that hope that they'd bring back all those things that were datamined and made the game really enjoyable even after a long time (going to Brewster's for some coffee that felt almost real, having the villagers come over to your house, going to Tortimer Island to do minigames or just catch some bugs, waiting for the right season to buy that furniture set I love at Gracie's...). Now I feel that game about little things in life became a game about developing some island, which is also nice, but it ends (or at least it ends quicker for me than the feeling of those little things that made me believe I was living in the game). Maybe it's childish, maybe you don't like it, but it's my sincere opinion, and as such it cannot be objectively anything.
And with all this, I do not want that those people who feel the game full and enjoy it a lot stop doing it, I just want to enjoy it again, as I did with the previous ones. And I'm gonna continue doing so, hoping Nintendo will hear it and bring back many of those things that (for me) made the game special and different from any other game I play. Because I believe I'm not hurting anyone by doing it; the ones that already enjoy it as it is can only benefit from having more content, and the ones who want those things back, well, that's the idea.
Peace y'all. :coffee:
I'm very happy for those of you who say the game is wonderful and are very happy with it, but I think the matter is very simple: I (we) just want to feel like you, and at the moment I do. I was promised an Animal Crossing game and I feel they haven't delivered. I was given a template of an AC game with some (really amazing) new things and a lot of things missing. I know that when I bought it, and I accepted, but with the idea in mind that most of the things that have been in animal crossing for decades would still be there. I started with Wild World and have played all of them since. I played almost every day for 2-3 years to each of those games except City Folk, since I found it mostly boring and decided to give up after 3-4 months. Now, I still play NH, that's true, but I've been feeling a similar thing as with CF for the past 6 months. The only reason I've continued playing is because of that hope that they'd bring back all those things that were datamined and made the game really enjoyable even after a long time (going to Brewster's for some coffee that felt almost real, having the villagers come over to your house, going to Tortimer Island to do minigames or just catch some bugs, waiting for the right season to buy that furniture set I love at Gracie's...). Now I feel that game about little things in life became a game about developing some island, which is also nice, but it ends (or at least it ends quicker for me than the feeling of those little things that made me believe I was living in the game). Maybe it's childish, maybe you don't like it, but it's my sincere opinion, and as such it cannot be objectively anything.
And with all this, I do not want that those people who feel the game full and enjoy it a lot stop doing it, I just want to enjoy it again, as I did with the previous ones. And I'm gonna continue doing so, hoping Nintendo will hear it and bring back many of those things that (for me) made the game special and different from any other game I play. Because I believe I'm not hurting anyone by doing it; the ones that already enjoy it as it is can only benefit from having more content, and the ones who want those things back, well, that's the idea.
Peace y'all. :coffee:

I think everyone is entitled to their opinion and I certainly think that if you're not enjoying it, you're absolutely free to voice that as well. I also don't think we should, by all means, "settle" with just what we have. It's a good thing that players keep asking for more things and have their voices heard. I do think there's a big difference from saying that and going, "NH is barebones" or that it actually has less content than, say, GCN AC, WW and CF (which is factually not true).

But again, I'd love for new and amazing content to be brought into the game so you (and other players who feel less interested in) can enjoy it more. I'm not sure you'll get all the content your hoping for, but I'm sure some of it will come back :)
I want to copy/paste and rehash what I wrote a couple weeks ago

I agree more or less the game hasn't really improved all that much since they brought the Dream Suite back in July. Everything after has just been some kind of event. Other than pumpkins, if you choose to continue growing them, none of the Holidays are affecting your average playthrough day by day. I could boot up v1.4 of the game and not miss much.
However, that said, Nintendo didn't have to bring back Mario items with a working teleportation pipe no less, but they did, and they didn't have to bring back Sanrio villagers with Sanrio items, but they are. All I can say is 2021 is starting to look very promising for New Horizons to me. I guess we'll know more when the March update trailer drops. Will it be just Sanrio and adding Bunny Day to 2021, or will there be more? What about April and onwards? With the holidays out of the way for the most part, Nintendo will likely be doing more each month other than "here's another holiday".
Without so much focus on Holiday events, maybe the team will have more free time to be able to invest into improvements and explore new ideas. If there was a road map, it would probably look like this.
Year 1:
- Game release
- Priority/Focus: Get the big holidays in the game. (These things were likely delayed from release so they didn't have to hold the game back further. So they became top priority after release)
Year 2:
Priority/Focus: Implement new features and improvements.


I wrote that on March 2, well before we knew anything outside of Sanrio villagers.

After getting 50 new design slots for each standard and pro designs, getting more pro design options, including the much missed umbrella, and getting the Design Portal added to our Nook Phones, I can only continue to say 2021 is looking very promising for this game. I think we're in for an exciting year.