How can you not be bashing the game for the sake of it while claiming the game is - according to you - completely barebones (even compared to CF). Like, are you for real? That is objectively false.
Did you even bother to read the whole thing or did you just focus on what fit your narrative? I said the game was barebones when it was released, even worse than City Folk. I acknowledge it's no longer worse than City Folk, mainly because it now has what City Folk had except for the city, of course, and then some tiny changes. If you're going to try to argue that something is "objectively false", at least do it after reading the whole thing. Also, it is objetively true that the game is lacking a lot of features. I'm happy for you if you can't see it or if it doesn't bother you, but don't try to belittle other people's opinions just because you seem to be happy with what the game is offering you right now when you could have that AND MORE.
You can't say something is objective based on how you feel. It isn't OBJECTIVELY barebones; that's how you feel, not how all of us feel. I find it has more than what the previous games have offered.
If you feel done with the game and you feel it's barebones, that's a-okay. But please don't make others sound like they have poor taste, or that they're "smoking" something simply because they like a game and how it's made. Thought that after everything that went down in another thread, that people would be past stuff like that.
As I said, I was quoting another user who belittled people by outright asking what they were smoking when they expressed their opinions towards the game. Are you going to call them out too or simply because they have the same opinion as you they're entitled to do that? Sometimes I can't believe some of y'all, really.
Also, literally nowhere did I say you have "poor taste" simply because you're content with the current state of the game, which is OBJECTIVELY lacking, no matter how hard you try to make it seem like it's not. I think I tried to convey it as well as I could in my post, but it seems it fell on deaf ears because it was more important to focus on other irrelevant things that had nothing to do with the rest of my message. I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to put words in my mouth that I haven't said.