For those of you that are planning on getting Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl, which starter pokemon do ya think you might get, and why?
(If you don't know the starter Pokemon from Diamond and Pearl yet, you can find them on, along with the rest of the pokemon from the 4th generation)
I'm going to get Naetoru, because I've always chose the grass pokemon as my starters, and even though it's ussualy tough for them to beat the first few gym leaders, they seem to end up on top for me, anyway. And, his final evolution looks insanely fun.

(If you don't know the starter Pokemon from Diamond and Pearl yet, you can find them on, along with the rest of the pokemon from the 4th generation)
I'm going to get Naetoru, because I've always chose the grass pokemon as my starters, and even though it's ussualy tough for them to beat the first few gym leaders, they seem to end up on top for me, anyway. And, his final evolution looks insanely fun.