Did Nintendo ever make you cry?


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Jun 25, 2018
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Did nintendo ever make you cry? I saw someone say that a cutscene made them cry and I was wondering if any other things from nintendo made you cry and it has to be in a game. I had two scenes when I cried it was the ending cutscene in super mario galaxy 1 and the final cutscene in paper mario colour splash.

And just for the lols not in a game but no ac switch for the E3 direct
I cried at the end of the SSBU direct the day after my bday when the didn't announce the wah :,(
No, not really. But on the inside, I was. Basically, it was old Zelda games that gave me the nostalgia.
If you ever played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, or especially Sky, the endings are very sad and have the ability to make people cry.

Don’t get me started on PMD: Gates to Infinity and Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon though. Those two had nowhere near the same amount of emotional level. We don’t talk about those here, actually. :lemon:
I'll admit that I cried as a kid at the beginning of Banjo-Tooie for the N64. When Bottles gets killed isn't so bad but if you go into the house and talk to his kids they say something like how they're waiting for their dad to get back and little me was thinking "But he's not coming back..." It was a dark time.
Yeah but more out of annoyance due to some decisions I'd say. But not really that much from a game. iIrc.
Uh no I never cry at a game, sorry but it sounds strange if people cry about something in a game.
hmm fair enough if you don't cry about some bits of games but there is just some really sad moments for me.
I have never cried at a video game. I have gotten to close to crying in a couple of Pokemon Anime Episodes though
I spent most of Skyward Sword hating Fi, then at the end I teared up a bit haha. A lot of Zelda games have sad bits in them.

Video games are just another medium for story telling. People cry from movies/books all the time, video games are no different. If you don't feel connected to the characters/stories then it maybe wasnt that well written haha (assuming it's a story driven game).
I've never really cried from a Nintendo game,but I have cried from other games.
I don’t really remember, but I know for a fact PMD Explorers of Darkness made me cry. probably the first PMD too.
I'm a giant weenie so yes haha. The ending of Super Paper Mario never fails to make me cry, and there are bits of a lot of the LoZ games that get me, too (mostly in Majora's Mask).
Only in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. Not sure what it is about that series but it always gets me even though I know it'll have a happy ending. I still cried when I replayed the Rescue Team and Explorers stories and I have no idea why.
Not a Ninty game, but a game for the 3ds: The ending of "Ever Oasis". WORST ENDING EVER.
Nintendo game? No. But I haven't definitely gotten emotion playing other games
I mean I cried when Filbert moved out of my ww town years ago :rolleyes: besides that, no
It’s never made me cry I don’t think, but i did tear up quite a few times during my playthrough of pokemon black and white. I got goosebumps a lot too. Especially the final scene with N, and the mini scene of Bianca and her Dad. So many great scenes in that game imo.. it really showed the characters had heart put into them.
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