Did Nintendo ever make you cry?

Idk if this counts, but I’m multiple Nintendo games I got so mad I would cry (skyward sword *mostly boss rush*, super mario galaxy *i fricking hate the bowser fights*)
The ending of Mother 3. I swear, if you didn't bawl your eyes out at that ending, you're not human. That was genuinely probably the saddest ending in any game I've ever played. Not even the ending, that whole game is just depressing at times.

Another one I can think of is the ending of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky. The Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games aren't really anything too special gameplay wise, but damn do they usually have really emotional endings.
The endings of Super Mario Galaxy, Yoshi's Island and MOTHER 3 are the only ones I can remember, although I think I may have also teared up at parts of Super Paper Mario and EarthBound too.
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Idk if this counts, but I’m multiple Nintendo games I got so mad I would cry (skyward sword *mostly boss rush*, super mario galaxy *i fricking hate the bowser fights*)

I love the bowser fight its so fun, so it shouldn't make you cry.
It always hits me right in the guts when the flute boy in A Link to the Past turns into a tree.

That, and the kick in the pants that were E3 2015 are two of my most emotional Nintendo moments.
The final scene in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Poppi's reaction just got to me.
I think Pokemon Mystery Dungeon almost made me cry. Though Iwata's passing made me cry my eyes out if that counts.
I didn't cry at the ending of Mother 3. I feel that when Flint finds out what happens during the thunderstorm way more beautifully scripted then the ending you're referring to. (Unless you're referring to the black screen ending, which dragged on way too much for my liking and Earthbound did a better job at their ending then Mother 3 did with whatever that was)
For Nintendo, I think I've only ever really gotten emotional over Zelda titles. I remember the ending to Twilight Princess got me quite teary-eyed, and it still does a little bit when I go back to replay it. The music is just perfection for that scene.

More recently was the second Breath of the Wild trailer that was shown in January last year. Everything about the presentation of it is just beautiful, it still makes me tear up and gives me crazy goosebumps. Definitely one of my favourite trailers ever.
I highly recommend ever oasis. It?s one of my all time favorites for the 3DS and the soundtrack is amazing!

In some ways I am glad u didn't tell me the ending because I am wanting to get that game. but now I am prepared[/QUOTE]

I remember when simon moved out of my ac game I cried. ive probably also cried out of rage bc I suck
I used to cry at some of the LoZ games when i was younger, (not because they were sad but because i found them very scary)
haven't gone back to them since, childhood trauma I guess
The theme to Mario Odyssey, Jump Up, Super Star!, makes me tear up a little from giddiness. :p
I don't really cry in games but I did Shead a year looking through the event theater of the final chapter in xenoblade 2...
Fighting Inner Agent 3 was brutally painful ;v; I remember trying to fight them for hours on end only to die to an auto-bomb or a splashdown
Literally everything (minus ac) that's made by Nintendo is a crap game, or console. The only reason I want a switch is for Fortnite and Stardew Valley on holiday.
Re: EB vs M3 ending

The ending to Earthbound made me really emotional. I wasn't scared by Giygas ... he made me rather sad instead. Even though I had watched the battle before, I wasn't expecting how confused, in pain and helpless most of his dialogue is (in response to being prayed and sung to!! Yeesh!). The internet likes to depict him as a particular image but in game, he is merely an erratic background (if we can actually consider that him), which was overwhelming to watch. The concept of the Chosen Four abandoning their bodies to fight him, and not knowing if they could go back, was also upsetting. There's so many unconventional and fascinating ideas being thrown at you at once...I was just trying to get through it then but I cried after I shut off the game and stayed up that entire night thinking about it.

Meanwhile, I felt like Mother 3's final battle was sad in the way I was expecting it to be (though Porky and the Absolutely Safe Capsule invoke one the single most disturbing concepts to me - what would immortality feel like except an eventual isolation chamber? Brrr). It says a lot about this game's writing, though, that I felt emotional there too (even if it didn't leave as much of a lasting impression) and wasn't just button mashing through a soapbox. They both win! (Except Earthbound's walkaround epilogue is a lot more effective than M3's).
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A lot of the Phoenix Wright games make me cry at some point. Usually at the end where they start connecting the different cases. Especially the one with Godot. He's such a cool character.