✨Disney DreamLight Valley✨

Is the game worth the price?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 74.0%
  • No

    Votes: 13 26.0%

  • Total voters
Oh yeah...the Wall-E thing I completely ignored. I don't even know what the point of that is. (Nothing about it makes any sense to me, or feels like anything I want or need). Kinda just looks like a weird skin for Wall-E and some clothing items for your character? I don't get it. Is there actually anything worth having there?

Now at 600/1000 achievements for this. Grabbed two of them within a couple days of play...got the renovator one when the update added the Pumpkin house...then got the Miner one last night by finally mining 1800 times. The last handful are gonna take forever though...stuff like daily discussions and favorite gifts...3,000 thorns, 900 meals, etc. All ridiculous numbers. Lol
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Oh yeah...the Wall-E thing I completely ignored. I don't even know what the point of that is. (Nothing about it makes any sense to me, or feels like anything I want or need). Kinda just looks like a weird skin for Wall-E and some clothing items for your character? I don't get it. Is there actually anything worth having there?

Now at 600/1000 achievements for this. Grabbed two of them within a couple days of play...got the renovator one when the update added the Pumpkin house...then got the Miner one last night by finally mining 1800 times. The last handful are gonna take forever though...stuff like daily discussions and favorite gifts...3,000 thorns, 900 meals, etc. All ridiculous numbers. Lol

it's two outfits (i think), a skin for wall-e and then a quest, but i've heard a lot of people who bought it say said quest isn't worth the price. my problem isn't so much paid characters because, like, i always knew that would basically be inevitable, my problem is if that's what they're charging $15 or so for, how much will they charge for an actual New character and their quests?
I don't think they would get away with locking an actual character behind a paywall. Aesthetics are one thing. None of that Wall-E stuff is essential for anyone, and I'm actually fine with them charging whatever they want, for that reason. But, yeah...I don't think they would ever be like "Give us $25 for Aladdin". I don't see that happening.
This Star Path is going to take longer than the other ones. There are 80 Duties and low rewards for each one.
The Hanging out with a Villager for 15, 30, 45 and 60 minute is only 10 rewards. Last Star Path Hanging Out with a Villager gave 30 Rewards. That Star Path only had 50 Duties.

The Premium Shop prices are too high. Last year I purchased a DLC Farm Together Pack for $5.99 Canada. It's now $4.99. Each Pack has a house that you can place and go inside. Included are Wall/ Floor, Pieces of Furniture, Sets of Clothing, and outdoor items. Some of those packs include Pathways, fencing, flowers and trees. That's more than all the Items on the Premium Shop.

Last night I finished the story and the credits took forever. The Switch screen started to fade 3 times.
Enjoyed Fairy Godmother but wished it was longer.
There's been a lot of discourse about the update and rightly so. I think the Wall-E quest available in the Premium Shop is a rip off just to make Wall-E look cute in a suit for 4,000 moonstones. The Star Path itself is okay but riddled with motifs as opposed to decorative items and it seems that Switch players are slowly being left behind now that next generation console and PC players can up their item limit when it comes to decorating. It begs the question, why did Gameloft think this game would run smoothly on the Switch which in comparison to other consoles, runs like a potato? This game is only going to get bigger with every update which in turn will make the Switch work twice as hard to keep up when it comes to the performance of the game.
There's been a lot of discourse about the update and rightly so. I think the Wall-E quest available in the Premium Shop is a rip off just to make Wall-E look cute in a suit for 4,000 moonstones. The Star Path itself is okay but riddled with motifs as opposed to decorative items and it seems that Switch players are slowly being left behind now that next generation console and PC players can up their item limit when it comes to decorating. It begs the question, why did Gameloft think this game would run smoothly on the Switch which in comparison to other consoles, runs like a potato? This game is only going to get bigger with every update which in turn will make the Switch work twice as hard to keep up when it comes to the performance of the game.

i'm not a game designer/programmer, of course, but i'd definitely take a graphics toggle if it meant i could increase the item limit for lower visuals. or maybe an optional render distance so not everything is loaded in at once, or even loading zones for each biome, though i don't know how easy the latter is to achieve, especially without loading screens. (but, honestly, i think a decent amount of people would probably even take loading screens if it meant every biome had its own 6000 item limit.) unfortunately, most of the problem does fall on the switch for being outdated hardware, which sucks, but as you said, what are they going to do when the game inevitably only expands? or when multiplayer is introduced? even if they limit it so switch players can only connect with other switch players, who's to say if the console will be able to handle even that? of course, i'd rather be able to play the game as is than not at all, but since i'm bordering on the item limit, and i have most of the quests done, what else is there to do when decorating your valley is supposed to be the time-passer between content releases?
As far as the item limit...one of the first things I ever did in this game was put almost all of the trees and vegetation in storage. I did that instinctively, just because I hated all the clutter. I wasn't even considering slow-down or item limits. Of course, I'm playing the Series X version on Xbox...so I really don't need to worry about the same things as the Switch version. BUT...I will get the Switch version when the full game is released for free (whenever that happens). So...yeah, I would like to see any of those issues resolved before then.
Think my bar/grill/arcade is coming along nicely.

Will probably remove the bench and trash cans so I can have another three stools on that side. Also, probably find different style of stools to use, since I'm not really attached to those generic ones. Anyway...work in progress.

Disney Dreamlight Valley (2).png
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I skipped them almost immediately. Why did you sit through them? Lol
I didn't know that you could skip the credits. After reading your post I watched a Youtube and saw the skip at the lower screen for a think a PC player. I'm playing on the Switch and didn't notice anything on the lower left side. I've been playing thru a lot of Pokemon recently and got use to putting the controller down when the credits roll.

Think there is an amount error for the Tokens in the Star Path. Got 10 Tokens for Hanging Out With Nala for an hour. Hanging out With Toy Story Characters for an Hour was 20 Tokens. The Toy Story one is easier. Happy the Star Path is done. It wasn't worth it.
So...I noticed there was a new Scrooge outfit while I was browsing the 'character' tab, and I thought it was just for some questline that hasn't been unlocked yet. But, it turns out...it's actually an item from the shop. (Scrooge's summer vacation outfit), which costs 2500 moonstones, or the equivalent of about $8.99...which is hilariously overpriced for a single skin. - I know I literally just said that the Wall-E thing didn't bother me because it was just a skin, and they could charge whatever they want for pointless aesthetics. BUT...$9 for a single skin is so absurd. Lol..
i'm not a game designer/programmer, of course, but i'd definitely take a graphics toggle if it meant i could increase the item limit for lower visuals. or maybe an optional render distance so not everything is loaded in at once, or even loading zones for each biome, though i don't know how easy the latter is to achieve, especially without loading screens. (but, honestly, i think a decent amount of people would probably even take loading screens if it meant every biome had its own 6000 item limit.) unfortunately, most of the problem does fall on the switch for being outdated hardware, which sucks, but as you said, what are they going to do when the game inevitably only expands? or when multiplayer is introduced? even if they limit it so switch players can only connect with other switch players, who's to say if the console will be able to handle even that? of course, i'd rather be able to play the game as is than not at all, but since i'm bordering on the item limit, and i have most of the quests done, what else is there to do when decorating your valley is supposed to be the time-passer between content releases?
I completely agree. Knowing what the future updates for the game will be makes me wonder how it'll even work on the Switch knowing that players are having a hard time playing the game without it crashing etc. I blame both Gameloft and Nintendo in this instance as Gameloft should never have released the game of the Switch and I blame Nintendo for not stepping up in the gaming world with a more powerful handheld console. The Steam Deck might be a very expensive handheld console, but it has the capacity to handle games that are mainly aimed at PC and the rest of the console family.

Anyway back to Dreamlight Valley, there's a petition going round on social media by Dreamlight Valley fans to try and get Gameloft to lower the prices of the Premium Shop items. Whilst I don't think it'll do much to change Gameloft's prices, it's worth signing nonetheless. So if anyone wants to sign it, you can do so right here.
I'm generally okay with the star path taking forever to complete. - We still have like 50 days left for it...so there's really no point in rushing through it. And once I already get the things I really want, everything else is honestly just a means of stretching out gameplay for me. As soon as I complete everything 100% I usually stop playing again until the next update. So...I'm just as happy having a lengthy process to keep my attention.
A few days ago I started a new game on my 2nd Switch.
1st Day found The Golden Doorknob that unlocks Mirabel. It's a easy unlock and only costs 500 dreamlight.
After unlocking Donald Duck the missing sock quest started for Stitch.
Unlocked Remy and Merlin hidden/secret Quest from the April 5th update.
For some reason this new update hasn't hit like the others have for me, I just can't get into it!
For some reason this new update hasn't hit like the others have for me, I just can't get into it!
It's not the greatest update (aside from the Fairy Godmother) but it'll do until part two of the summer update followed by the bigger update coming later on in the year when multiplayer is introduced etc.
For some reason this new update hasn't hit like the others have for me, I just can't get into it!

Yeah, I mean...it felt very much like a rushed "give the game a proper ending" kind of update...which feels weird for an open-ended game to begin with. - I like some of the stuff that was included, and I'm glad that all of the remaining areas and quests are cleared and complete and things can be moved around and decorated. But, yeah...not greatest update.
That sounds interesting...but I'm not a huge fan of how the camera app currently works...so hopefully that sees some major improvements.