Been making some more personal works lately for my portfolio and trying to experiment with more colours, since I usually work in limited palettes (mostly because I'm lazy haha). I also wanted to try playing around with more realistic figures alongside my usual geometric style. I'm pretty happy with how it looks and might do more of this in the future. Anyways, story time about the drawing:
A month ago a semi-feral(?) cat gave birth to three kittens in my laundry room. My coworker had a similar experience a month before with a friendly stray he adopted, and I had only helped him by frantically googling cat and kitten advice because we were both new to cats in general. I never imagined that some random cat would give birth in my house a month later. My laundry cat was a bit aggressive and scared of humans (or just really protective, understandably), so I only left food out for her and observed from afar. Then one day she just disappeared and left her 3 week old kittens. I didn't know what to do so I ended up taking the kittens in and bottle fed them for three days until I found out that the mom had gotten herself trapped in a
neighbour's laundry room during that time. I was able to reunite them thankfully, and I was super relieved she didn't reject them because I was so stressed from bottle feeding and making them poop and pee constantly. Since then I've been working on getting the mom to trust me/humans more (also because I really need to do my laundry in peace hahah). She used to hiss at me whenever I brought food, now she is slowly warming up to me! She seems to enjoy ears scritches that I give her with a cat toy I made out of chopsticks - she wont let me touch her yet even though she sits on my lap sometimes. Very awkward. I'm not a cat person, so this is a pretty interesting experience.
Anyways, after becoming quite attached to them, I imagined making a little cat town for them out of cardboard boxes so they can live freely in my laundry room. I had to resist actually making it and getting
too attached/ahead of myself, so I decided to channel it into a drawing. It's quite likely I wont get to keep them because I have a beagle at home that doesn't like cats (and I don't have money for 4 cats and a beagle). So before I find new homes for them I wanted to make a drawing dedicated to them, and this is the result! I usually don't post personal work here, but this is also sorta game-related/inspired: The composition and houses are inspired by classic RPG towns (similar to my usual work) and I also just think an RPG game where you play as a kitten navigating through different laundry rooms was a funny idea, so I kept that in mind when drawing this!!!
Here's some close ups.
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Dewey, my friend named her after Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle lol. (2)
Honyangi. I named her after my favourite cat villager Tabby. Her colouring is almost identical to the mom.
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Baes-sal (means belly fat). She's always lying on her back and showing off her belly. (4) I don't have a name for her yet so I've just been calling her mommy. She has part of her ear missing, what a badass.
All kittens are girls and 5 weeks old now!
Annnndd some photos of the cats if you are interested: