Do / did you wear uniform at school?


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We used to, but I guess they realized it wasn’t that necessary and now we don’t have to anymore. When we did, it was a shirt with the name of our school on it with khakis. Girls were allowed to wear skirts as long as they were also khakis, but you weren’t allowed to wear shorts (which I think was really dumb because khaki shorts exist).
No, but I don’t think I would’ve liked it. I’d like it in the sense that everyone would be wearing the same thing and you can’t get teased for what you wear. However, I’d hate it in the sense that I would’ve had to wear a skirt. I don’t like showing my legs, first of all. Secondly, I hate feminine clothes. Wearing a skirt would’ve been torture.
Yes, the (public) elementary school I went to back in the 90's had us wearing uniforms and that was the only time. Both Middle and High school was wear almost anything.
I do think some uniforms look nice. But ours were....Boys wore a white shirt and navy(?) long pants or short pants and girls wore a navy dress (like a jumper dress) with a white shirt or a white shirt with a navy skirt.
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Yeah, I think all schools in the UK do. I’d have hated to not have uniform, trying to find something to wear every day
We didn't have uniforms when I went to school but they're slowly trying to re implement them in schools in the upcoming years.
I went to 4 elementary schools when I was a kid, but only one of them had uniforms. It was pretty simple; A white shirt with a black/navy blue skirt (shorts/pants for boys).

I didn't really care as a kid, but I would hate wearing a uniform now, especially with a skirt. I'm glad my high school hasn't implemented them, but I had a teacher tell us that they were working on it... But that it would probably some time after I graduate this year.
Went to private school for high school and at one point we were ALMOST required to wear uniforms, but nobody followed it, so we ended up being able to wear whatever we want. Good times.
No. I went to a public school in the USA. I would have loved a cute Japanese-style one in high school but chances are we would’ve gotten something ugly or something with an ugly school logo on it 9_9
I only went to public schools, and none of them had uniforms. I enjoy picking out my outfits, expressing my interests and style through what I wear and just overall feel more comfortable in my own clothes, so I’m grateful I never had to wear one. A uniform would’ve saved me the stress of deciding what to wear and laying out my outfit the night before (I’m lazy lol), though.
Nope. None of the schools I went to had a uniform. My first charter high school was actually the opposite. Kids could wear very outlandish things and almost never got in trouble. I only remember one time a person got in trouble for what they wore. It was a leather jacket with a nasty curse on it.