Do / did you wear uniform at school?


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I went to a religious private school for high school, and they had a uniform policy... Ugh... collared shirts in blue, green, white, and tan and skirts and uniform pants in khaki and blue. Girls weren't allowed to pants EVER.... even in freezing weather... No lie, but during senior trip (which I thankfully didn't attend), they went to D.C. and it was SNOWING. They wouldn't let the girls wear jeans and pants, ONLY skirts and loose-fitting shorts with tights IN THE SNOW. And if they had a "casual clothes" day, students had to wear the t-shirts over their school uniform, and only boys were allowed to wear jeans. Ugh.. I hated that school...

(Btw, I'm in America, so... yeah. Some schools have uniforms but most usually don't here. Depends on the type of school and the area, really.)
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No but I wish I did just so I didn't have to worry about my outfit everyday
Thankfully no, I never had to wear uniforms. So I got to be little emo/gothy self. XD All of my friends would get dress-coded for wearing trench coats.
No, I was home schooled. They did say somewhere not to wear your Pj's, but I sometimes did xP
yep, i had to for all the years until Uni...

omg, it was so goooood at uni. it felt so free. although wearing uniform has it upside - you don't have to decide what to wear!

sometimes choosing what to wear (and what available that is "clean") takes so long. lols. But I would say, it's more productive if you're in casual, because you tend to think better and not restricted in uniform. That's my opinion.
I went to private school in the 80's, we had uniforms. The thought of them kind of makes me shiver- it also had corporal punishment, so I can't think of a uniform without thinking of those days that weren't exactly the best for me...
I've had a uniform for 13 years...College is just gonna be me not knowing how to dress everyday (or not try and wear hoodies and leggings all the time)
Yep! Uniforms are mandatory in my country.
I'm American. I wore an ugly green plaid skirt with navy knee-high socks and a white or light blue dress shirt (tucked in). Ties were mandatory for boys and optional for girls
I didn't have to wear a uniform, but I live in the US. It's not very common here.
Most of my school career, I didn't a uniform. From late ninth grade to tenth grade, I wore a uniform.
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I wore uniform throughout my time at school, some more strict than others. Most schools here require uniform
i'm irish. we wear a uniform but it's not as strict as the uk. there's options for a skirt or trousers and a tie. people wear their uniforms differently and it's kinda interesting to see how they style it. like some people have a rainbow shirt visible near their collar, or cover themselves with school-related badges.
Nope, I've never had a school uniform before and I prefer it that way. It's nice to be able to wear whatever's comfy.
No uniforms for me.
I think a year or two after I left middle school, they implemented uniforms though. Thank goodness I escaped it. (':