Do / did you wear uniform at school?


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I hated my uniforms
I'm so happy in college I can wear what I want
Because I couldn't wear my gloves nor my headphones nor my boots or my cool shoes because they were like boots
So I looked simple and hated it but whatever now I'm free
I never had to wear a school uniform. I like having the freedom to wear whatever I want so I don't want that taken away from me.
In first and second grade, all of the kids at my school had to wear really ugly uniforms and we all hated it

honestly america needs to step up its uniform game
we should all wear sailor fuku i'd be okay with that
Hell no. I would demand my right to express myself. I would laugh my *** off if some idiot told me to wear something I didn't want to wear.
Thankfully, no. I for one enjoy seeing long, tan, smooth legs in shorts. Also I like having some sort of freedom in what I wear.
Pants- green strips
Tops- white with green belt (same with pants)

I don't wear uniform every Wednesday because its wash day and yes I'm a second year college student
I do in my current secondary school, but in my old primary school in Portugal where I was born we didn't have to wear any uniform. (We have sixth form so people above Year 10 don't wear uniform, but the rest of us do.)
Nope, never been to a school that requires uniforms. I might be going to a school with uniforms next year though
Yes, I've worn uniforms at all Schools I have attended. I just see it as one less thing that people can make fun of you about, everyone is wearing the same thing anyway. :lemon:
When I was in high school I did wear a uniform. I honestly miss it. It was nice waking up for school not having to worry about what you were gonna wear
I don't know anyone in real life who doesn't....I think it's more of an American thing not to wear uniform?

Some American schools do it, some American schools don't. Back in Arizona I had to wear uniforms for two of the four schools I went to, one was in Junior High and another was in High School in Lake Havasu. My sisters who are currently in elementary school, had to wear uniforms in three of the four schools they've attended I believe.

The school uniforms I've worn only applied to having to wear a shirt and jacket with the school logo on them though. We were free to wear whatever pants, socks and shoes we wanted as long as they didn't show too much skin (and even then that rule was hardly applied, Lake Havasu is a really skanky place to live in).
Nah, I went to public school so that didn't require a uniform. Our dress code was so overboard; wearing uniforms would have been less of a hassle tbh. American schools tend to have ugly uniforms. All my relatives who lived out of the US had amazing designs for uniforms. It made me a little envious. :p
Okay so in my lifetime I've been to three schools, two with uniform, and one without. In my first school I'd usually where a grey and white striped dress with a maroon jumper sometimes, and winter wise maroon skirt with grey and white colored shirt. Dress code was really strict so we had to always wear skirts, which makes me hate skirts now. Second school way more lenient. basic colors are navy and white and you can get like a polo shirt and sweatpants, they don't have to be bought from the school. There are skirts but really no one wears them at all except a few girls here and there. Last year I was an exchange student in the US so I went to public school. Experiencing a free dress code was cool, it gave me freedom to pick what I felt like wearing on different days. I'd personally prefer no dress code to dress code. Only downside of no dress code is that some people may judge you for what you wear, but you really shouldn't care.
Nope, never worn a uniform a day in my life. Uniforms aren't really a thing where I live.
Here in Finland schools don't have uniforms so no. Glad really, uniforms seem kind of useless.
We don't have any rules regarding clothes either, so females can show off their neckbone and whatnot.
Aw, i always wanted to have a education from Finland since there is a higher passing rate there and a more sophisticated and simpler form of education as opposed to here in Texas where they just give you subjects you aren't educated about in high school in hopes that it'll prepare you more.

We wear a Red, White, Or Blue uniform with Blue or (A color in which i can find highly unidentifiable) Khakis. Our principal once stated if it was up to him, he would let us dress freely but the vote was out numbered 1:2 due to highly pushy parents who find this ridiculous excuse for "orderly" and "systematic form of fashion" highly quintessential sure should give children a say before doing a vote, you could sure learn something from a democratic government.

I used to have free dress and i wore the average clothes to school, but now that these laws requiring dress code to be put into place really ticks me into protesting into such things. For a moment i actually thought this was the first time a situation like this happened but i just reminded myself of the "No Child Left Behind Act".