Do y'all think perfect fruit will make a comeback?

I would love to see perfect fruit return. It would also be nice if the other fruit came back as well. I miss mangos , lemons and bananas
I don't think it will come back, because nintendo know how much alot of us want dead trees, and they don't seem to care what we want, as they consistently leave these things out with each update.
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I don't think it will come back, because nintendo know how much alot of us want dead trees, and they don't seem to care what we want, as they consistently leave these things out with each update.
The only thing I wanted in Halloween was dead trees. When it didn’t happen, I was ok, because I figured they would be added for winter (since trees die in winter). I was so wrong.
I guess I don't miss them a whole lot, but I did like the perfect pears, because they looked golden, and I sure could have used some dead trees to decorate my haunted forest.
It would be lovely if they did! I particularly like perfect cherries, apples, and peaches. Maybe Nintendo will add not only perfect fruits but also exotic fruits or something like the grapes we saw in Pocket Camp. It would be interesting if they decided to introduce new types of trees or plants. For example, it would be weird to let grapes grow on trees. I can understand money trees but not grapes trees lol.

Also, it came to me that dead trees would not be a given if an update introduced perfect fruits and such. Flowers don't wilt, so why would perfect fruit trees die? I do agree dead trees should come back but I'm not sure what Nintendo will decide about them. :/
I don't think so. There's no in-game reason for them now, as we have many other ways to make Bells. Their only appeal would be just to serve as decoration, as you can craft and sell so many things that growing perfect fruit trees isn't worth it.

There's also no dead trees in the game's code as far as we know (otherwise we would know it already, as people have been taking about everything that's in the game months before these things are actually unlocked).
I'm not sure it'll come back but I think it'd be a nice addition! although I do have oranges which imo has the worst perfect fruit so.. whether I'd use the perfect fruit is another question
I think it will! Along with other fruits as well. It could be something our villager or mom gifts us at the beginning of an update so we can plant. I can see perfect fruit being used for crafting as well. More than perfect fruit, I just really miss the dead trees.
i really hope so! this might be wishful thinking but i have a theory that if nook’s cranny receives another upgrade, one that gives leif his own gardening section again, maybe that could unlock perfect fruit and even the tropical ones? or, if they brought back tortimer’s island, that could be a nice way to add them in, too!
Having perfect fruits is the weirdest thing they could’ve held back from us. so it does lead me to believe it won’t be making a return even in an update. I cant think of an update it could even fit in with, maybe a spring one?
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The only thing I wanted in Halloween was dead trees. When it didn’t happen, I was ok, because I figured they would be added for winter (since trees die in winter). I was so wrong.

I just wanted to clarify that trees don't die in winter. They just go into hibernation mode once they lose their leaves. (Sorry, I really tried to let it go, but I couldn't.)

I would also love to see perfect fruit and dead trees come back. They could do even more things with them now since we can dig up whole trees. They could make specific DIYs for perfect fruit and dead trees that use the trees themselves as crafting materials.
i really hope so! i loved having the golden fruit trees around
I would be happy to see them return if it also entails the return of dead trees. I'd love to have some dead trees on my island. The perfect fruits would be an added bonus since they look neat, and I'd be especially pleased since my island's native fruit is the apple, but the fruit itself isn't really my priority.

However, it seems like perfect fruit is something that would have been present at launch if they had the intention of including them in this game. I feel like it would come across as kind of awkward and forced if they just eventually had an update where one of the features was perfect fruit. It's not impossible, but it just feels really unlikely to me.
I want them back since that could mean dead trees coming back as well, i had many of those around my nl house to create a dark forest atmosphere. My predictions about their comeback are mixed. I feel like they would have been added from the start if they planned on ever having them in this game, but maybe they also want to add them when they add more crops as well, idk.
i hope so but idk, it's such a small thing that i don't feel like they'll bother adding it? or maybe it's the other way around, since it's a pretty small thing they're more likely to add it. but i hope they focus on adding things like gyroids before adding other things from old games
I'd like it to return. I guess I'm not too optimistic that they will though just because out of all the things that need be added...I'd be surprised (happily tho) if they did do it.