do you believe in ghosts/

Not really, although I have had one paranormalish experience after my aunt passed away but I think I was so shocked by the circumstances of her death that I may have just imagined it. Also, I live in a really old house that if anyone came inside they would think it?s haunted. There are so many problems with this house that sometimes I do think that there?s some kind of evil spirit haunting it and making everything fail (like water tanks exploding and appliances failing and breaking all the time) but that?s just because it?s so old it needs the kind of maintenance that we can?t give it right now. But I?ve never had an experience where I walked through a dark hallway and felt some kind of presence, even though it would be easy to just blame my problems on a ghost lol.
It's so controversial, but like i really don't think they exist, is there even any rock solid proof that scientists can even confirm with backed up evidence?? it's just one of those things i guess lmao
Not really, It is a fun thing to think about though.
Yeah same. They were more believable for me years ago but nowadays... eh... I watch ghost footage or read spooky stories like I watch pro wrestling. I know it's set up for entertainment purposes but I entertain myself with them nonetheless :p
I think they exist. I think they don't. Nobody knows. Nobody will know. Until THEY DIE. It's the real truth. We will only know when we die, and there's nothing we can do about it. Well, except be disappointed when we find out that ghost aren't real in the afterlife.
I'm open minded. If I see something spooky with my own two eyes then it could be a possibility
Honestly I'm not sure if ghosts are real or not, but part of me kinda really hopes they are cause I think they're super cool.
Ghosts are a fun concept, but I'm pretty sure they don't exist. If I die and proceed to haunt these forums, I'll make sure to come back to this thread and admit I was wrong.
No, I don't believe in supernatural things like that. No matter how many people try to make ghosts feel real, they are not. It would be really sad if they were, because than that would mean the spirit is not resting in peace, but like I said, I don't believe in that stuff. :/

To me the existence of a ghost implies the existence of a soul, in turn that implies the existence of heaven/hell/'religious afterlife'. I don't believe in any of those and I don't feel you can believe in one but not the other.
It tends to switch over time. Not gonna lie based on personal experiences I’m inclined to believe they are real. Overall though my belief sometimes shifts between real or false. Either way I think the idea of it is rather interesting.
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I do. I thought I saw one when I was a kid, but I can't say 100% that it was definitely a ghost. My friend and I immediately ran as fast as our legs could carry us. It was twilight in the woods, I was young and fascinated by ghosts, and memories can play tricks on us. So who knows. The village I lived in then did have a local ghost though (which often features in those "ghosts of England" type books).

I've experienced other spooky stuff, and I've received what I believe were signs from a deceased loved one.

I'd love to go on a ghost hunt one day.
I really do believe in ghosts and hauntings however I believe what we claim are ghosts are actually more demons than ghosts?
I'm hopeful, because I intend to be one in the afterlife.

I want to haunt people SO BADLY. ^_^
I would say yes. I had an experience once at night. Usually there are nights where my mom would tuck me if she doesn't see me covered with my blanket, so one night I thought I caught my mom tucking me in. When I lift my head up just a bit I noticed it wasn't my mom but there was like a red shadow near my legs. My eyes widened and it disappeared. I contemplated whether I should tell my mom about it or not. I eventually did and told me I need to go to church.
No, I don't believe in anything supernatural and so far I haven't made an experience that changed my mind. I'm always open to the idea, but I always go for the scientific explanation first and it always sufficed so far.
I've personally always believed in the paranormal/supernatural, but I question the true origin of "ghosts" (are they really the spirits of humans who have passed on, or are they actually demonic entities?).

Ultimately, just because you can't see something doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't exist.
Spirits/personal energies lingering...Idk, kinda.

I've had certain encounters after the deaths of loved ones that don't fully make me not believe and that did invoke an emotional/sentimental response. However, I also lean more towards there being nothing after dying or our energies recycling back into whatever you wanna call it...the universe.

In either scenario, whether it was loved ones sentient spirits truly there, coincidences, or a temporary manifestation of their energy/spirit before being returned to nature of's all fine. I just hold the moments for what they were and the comfort they gave me.