do you believe in ghosts/

Nope. Not even a little bit.
I used to when I was younger, but the older I got, the more I became addicted to learning new things, and eventually I went down the rabbit hole of explanations for supernatural occurrences, and the unfortunate thing is, it really makes things a lot more boring.
Like, for example, there's the 'ghost frequency'. When people hear a certain frequency, known as infrasound, which can't be discerned consciously, it tells your brain that it's time to be afraid. When this occurs, you can experience all sorts of bad feelings and most commonly: fear. When fight or flight takes place, any shadow can be a potential threat and hallucination can even take place as a consequence.
So, when you're in a house that has a reputation for being haunted, or you're in a building where multiple people have all experienced supernatural activity, you have to ask yourself: is there something mechanically operated that's faulty, or even, is there something at play that can cause even something as simple as the duct work to rattle? There's a paper on it called "Ghosts in the Machine", and in it, they detail that there was paranormal fear occurring before they discovered that there was an extractor fan in the lab that was emitting a frequency of 18.98 Hz.
"Tandy conjectured, was why he had seen a ghostly figure—it was, he believed, an optical illusion caused by his eyeballs resonating. The room was exactly half a wavelength in length, and the desk was in the center, thus causing a standing wave which caused the vibration of the foil. "
The more you know, fellas.
I've had experiences. It's impossible for me to say no. When I was a lot younger I was told I was hallucinating, but when the dishes began to fly off of the counter and everyone saw and heard them do so with nobody and nothing around them to have caused them to fall, someone listened. Ghosts are jerks.
i feel like we can't really know, i'm definitely leaning more towards them being real though.
Absolutely not lol. I'm not a spiritual or religious person and I've seen no evidence or proof that ghosts exist at all.

I'm way more scared of living humans than any kind of 'ghost'. When I'm walking alone at night and see a shadow or hear something, my anxious mind goes straight to it being another person rather than some sort of spectre.
yes absolutely. i think human emotions are too strong to simply fade away after death and sometimes a sort of "imprint" is left behind. i'm not sure if they're intelligent at all, but i've been visited by my long gone grandma (she passed in 2005) many times in my dreams! at least once i think she was in my room but not visible. my mom also was visited by her dad (my grandpa) once after i was born and she was in pain. she says he came and sat at the end of her hospital bed. copious amount of drugs, or a spirit trying to offer comfort? not sure. the second one sounds a lot happier to me :3
I believe there are ghosts but I am also afraid that they do exist because I don't want to get haunted by a mean ghost.
Yes! And I've seen quite a few things, a man (who I now think is my late grandpa) was behind my door watching over me, footsteps on my stairs that repeated until we moved out after that incident, more recently I woke up and I could move, so not sleep paralysis and I didn't open my eyes cause I heard whispers all around me, then it felt like I was being lifted up or something and then they put me back down. Didn't open my eyes for what felt like hours hoping they wouldn't be there when I opened them.
For the most part I don't believe in ghosts, I'm not a spiritual person and haven't had enough experiences with anything out of the ordinary to convince me they were real. Though there was one odd moment when I was young, I'd been walking up a path that ran between the bottom of my road and the next one along when I had a sudden instinct to look behind me, even though I'd heard no noise, and saw a boy cycling in the same direction I was walking. I turned around and continued my walk but made sure to move to the side so he had a clear path to cycle past but he never did, I looked back around just a few seconds after I'd first seen him as he should've passed me but there was no one around. There was no where to turn off on the path, it was just really one straight line, he could've turned around and gone back the other way but from where we'd been and the time it had taken me to look back again I should've seen him cycling away. While I don't really believe I saw a ghost it did play on my mind for a long time just because of how strange it had seemed.
i have always believed in ghosts and i've always been scared of them
i thought my fear of them would go away when i was older but like, i'm older and they still freak me out 😅
I'm skeptical of a lot of paranormal stuff because I do think that a lot of times, there is an actual, non-ghostly explanation, but I do believe in them. I don't remember this because I was too young at the time, but my parents told me that when I was really small, sometimes I would ask them, "Who's the old lady in the window/by the woods?" and there wasn't anyone there. They asked me to describe her, and apparently my description matched my dad's dear aunt who passed away before I was born. I also think I've seen ghosts (or smelled, in one instance) of the family dogs, but it's possible those were grief-based hallucinations.
And I've had really bad feelings and seen some concerning glimpses of things in my grandparents' house, and that was years before I found out my grandpa got it for cheap because it had some bad history attached. So that's... fun.
Way before I was born, my dad messed with a Ouija board in that house, got freaked out (he refuses to say specifics to this day), threw it away... and it showed back up in his closet. Both my grandparents denied taking it out of the trash. They burned it pretty much immediately. My dad still hates Ouija boards.
As for the thing that happened to me, there was a bathroom in the back bedroom that I always got weird vibes from, and I always used the other one if I could. I was staying in that room one night and got scared, so I opened my eyes and saw what looked like a skeletal hand moving around the bed. I assumed my eyes were playing tricks on me, because it was dark and everything, so I turned over and tried to go to sleep... and then I felt a really strong burning sensation on my back.
So, uh, I quit staying with my grandparents.
I can’t say whether or not I do. A part of me thinks that ghosts are real. I’ve stayed at a haunted hotel before just for the experience. I knew it was haunted before booking. I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, but I was freaked out.