Legendary Sandwich is a PROUD Egalitarian!
"no i'm not a feminist but i support equality for both genders" so... you're a feminist.
No. I'm an Egalitarian/Philanthropist/Humanist. I honestly cannot tolerate high horse Feminists 'nor the Third Wave banner they champion because of this entitled mentality of
'Well, if you're for equality and basic human rights, then obviously you're a feminist', as if Feminism were the ONLY pathway to salvation and has a monopoly on every human rights movement and or philosophy!
You ever wonder why people don't take Feminism seriously? This is it right here.
Way to force your ideology and agenda onto others. Real kind of you.
im a feminist 100%
egalitarians are rly manky tbh thats all i gotta say
Absolutely, all this "i'm an egalitarian!" stuff is crap. All movements have their loud extremists, but it doesn't change what the movement is about.
I've yet to meet any true Egalitarian extremists. Our camp is very self-policing and very much in solidarity when it comes to our principles and philosophy. Every argument and debate I've ever had with my fellow Egal Pals have been pleasant, clean, and free from baseless conjecture.
I think people can be free to say that they are "egalitarian", since it technically exists too.. but their values are.. literally shared with feminism, and they only prefer it simply because of the radical undertones. I remember seeing a thread about it and it enlightened me:
"Egalitarianism is a toothless philosophy when it comes to exacting any real change.
It sounds really good to say you want equal rights for everyone. I mean, who doesn't? But you have to be more specific. How is inequality manifested in our society? What are the sources of that inequality? What, specifically, can we do to change those things? How are we going to accomplish that?
It's all well and good to say you want everyone to be equal, but until you isolate specific problems and address them, you're not going to get much accomplished. Feminists have isolated the specific problem of female oppression under a patriarchal society, and they believe working to end that oppression will lead to equality of the sexes. You may agree or disagree with that, but that's what feminism is.
I mean, by "egalitarian" logic, we shouldn't have any movements that aim to help one specific social group. No black rights movements, no LGBT movements, no advocates for children or the elderly. After all, we ALL have problems. Shouldn't we be working to help EVERYONE?"
"The term "egalitarian" in the context of gender relations has largely been co-opted by people who want to carry the banner of gender equality without actually acknowledging that women are an oppressed class. Instead, they want to pretend that men and women are oppressed totally equally, which just isn't true. Yes, there are ways in which traditional gender roles are damaging to men, but they are not systematically denied access to social, economic, and political power as a result.
My favorite is this quote right here because they went and got the definition of Egalitarianism from a FEMINIST REDDIT!
I can't even. I just cannot even.
"technically" exists?
Egalitarianism has been a philosophy and political movement since Ancient China, where the earliest example of Egalitarianism was recorded to help farmers get more wages. It was an economic movement that was egalitarian in nature.
The earliest known act of Feminism was recorded in I believe France, in a time period after the Italian Renaissance.
Egalitarianism has been around way before Feminism, it has been a social philosophy that has influenced law, religion, the military, economics, and more since the times of ancient empires and dynasties. To say people prefer it because of "less radical" undertones, or that it's a "toothless" philosophy is actually genuinely insulting to a practice and view point that's been around for centuries.
Next time, try using Wikipedia:
Though, take note. People have edited the article to try and discredit it.
Observe this little piece here:
"Equalist is how many describe themselves since circa 1996, mostly outside the US who get distanced from the mainstream feminist movement, often citing extreme views as reason of not calling themselves feminist. In the western world, in both UK and US it's still just a small percentage of people declaring themselves as equalists, but the numbers are growing as scientists like research scientist Laura Waters[22] and feminists join equalist groups due to mishandled cases and negative opinion about the main feminist movement. Christina Hoff Sommers is sometimes described as an equalist although she didn't call herself that on record."
See that? That's garbage. Be on the look out for stuff like that.