Hmm, I would say neither. I take everything in life with a pinch of salt and usually just get on with things as best I can. I try my hardest most of the time, and sometimes if things don't work out, then I just think 'screw this!' and move on, lol.
I'm an extreme pessimist, so negative. I always expect the worst and casually tell my closest friends, "Okay! Heading to bed. If I die in my sleep, just know that I love you. <3" But my pessimism is expressed happily. Isn't that strange? I think it's just better to be negative and expect the worst than positive and getting your feelings hurt.
I fluctuate between both, depends on the subject and how I'm feeling. most of the time, I'm neutral, but I've been more positive than negative. But as I said, I mostly feel nothing.
I vary between the 2 but I am mostly negative and I will usually come to the worst possible conclusions. I guess I'd rather be surprised by the outcome being better than I expected than disappointed because it was was worse. My family is always like "cross that bridge when it comes" when I'm being negative about something but I like preparing myself for the worst before it happens.
I would say positive, though a lot of the things I say seem negative...Especially within my humor.
I got 'let go' from my job today but the first thing that came to my mind was "well, at least I've got a good reference for my next job and another two paychecks coming in!". Most people in that situation would likely start talking about how they're doomed...
It was kind of the same with the last 'big tragic event' when me and my girlfriend of 6 years broke up. I pretty much just thought "well, turns out she wasn't the one after all. At least I have some more 'me time'!"
I tend to be a worry wort and I tend to point out bad things before good things, so I would have to lean towards negative. But, I'm trying to change that. So I voted neither.
I am a pretty realistic person, but being negative doesn't solve anything so I am the type to look on the bright side and try to see the best in everything. Obviously sometimes this is difficult, but I try.
I am positive at school because I always comment about other people (such as if their fly is open,their underwear is exposed from leggings etc.)But I do not make fun of mental people qq.And then everyone just laughs alot and then it makes me feel nice making someones day.
But a incident that happened which I don't feel like sharing the details with,just recently brought my mood down due to people spreading rumors about me because of that.Also because of my friend problems and some annoying dudes.
I am pretty negative and always complain at home though.