First of all, yes I am aware there's already a thread like this here as I posted there a long time ago. But I'm making a new one because I don't like how the poll was formatted there.
Anyway, do you curse/swear? What do you think of it in general? Let's be sure to keep this conversation PG-13, okay?
For me, I don't like it. It just doesn't feel right for me to throw these strong words around like that. I also don't like hearing it, especially in highschool where most of my peers have foul mouths, and I get pretty mad when people curse at me too, lol. Even just seeing it has me feeling off; I have a browser extension installed that blocks them. Strangely enough, I can curse, but only when I'm really, really angry. (Which doesn't happen that often btw.) I think swearing should be reserved for those occasions only, but that's just my opinion.
I sometimes do, most often when I feel anxious or upset. However, it plays a good part in my messed-up humor that I can’t fully explain, so a lot of things that I typically want to post in “share this” threads usually cannot be shared due to language or other themes. Ironically enough, I got warned for sharing a video on TBT that contained an uncensored swear word in its title, even though the video itself is clean (it was simply a recorder cover of the Star Wars theme). Since then, I’ve double checked everything I type up to make sure I don’t make that mistake again.
I also take into account who I’m talking to. I rarely swear in front of my parents (as a kid, I’d get grounded if I did) or higher-ups at my jobs, and I always speak in a professional and appropriate manner in front of the kids I transport for obvious reasons. Basically, the moral here is to simply act in a respectful manner around those you don’t know. That’s how you don’t get labelled as a jerk.
I grew up very religious/sheltered, my parents controlled a lot of what i did/said which in turned caused me to struggle with expressing myself/my emotions. I would get in trouble for saying things like “dang” or “crap” as a TEENAGER like WHY ?!?!?
Now as an adult, I curse all the time. happy, mad, sad, excited, it’s so freeing using whatever words i want. I don’t see the point in limiting myself, yolo
I do watch my mouth around children/elderly out of respect! Also if i notice my language makes someone uncomfortable i will tone it down as well, but at the end of the day it’s just me expressing myself and my cursing is never directed towards the person I’m speaking with.
i curse all the time. mostly it's just one word in particular, because i almost consider it a sentence enhancer at this point. i use other curse words plenty though, it's pretty commonplace in my friendships over the years to use those words affectionately. obviously using curse words to verbally abuse or denigrate others is awful, but i don't think that makes curse words themselves bad -- after all, almost any word can be used to hurt someone. i wouldn't use them in incredibly professional/reserved settings just because it's frowned upon, and try to watch my mouth around children if i see them in time, but otherwise.
Pretty much never but I voted "Once in a blue moon" because it's not 0.
I don't like swearing. I just feel uncomfortable if I do. I don't have much of a problem with other people swearing if the context seems reasonable enough but I just don't like doing it myself. The weird part is I will end up doing it in my head or even in dreams. But I will absolutely not type it out, even if that's what went through my mind.
It happens pretty often. I don’t really think about it; the words just come out. It's not something I give much thought to. My family and friends swear all the time, so it feels completely natural to me.
All the time. Filipino curse words go hard & convos are just not as flavorful without a sprinkle of curse word here and there Obviously I don't mean in a derogatory or insulting way but just more of a way to... enhance sentences? So the person I'm speaking to just knows how heightened my emotions are LMAO. Most of the time I curse around friends so yknow the friendship is real. Idk how to explain it but they're just funny and full of expression
Online, I rarely curse because the tone can be misinterpreted, and when I have done it, my friends said it was jarring. In real life, I curse fairly often when I'm chatting with my parents since our boundaries are low, but with anyone else, I never swear.
A lot. I can definitely not swear and I am aware if someone is uncomfortable, I'll try to curb myself. In voice chat - especially video games, it will just slip out and it's just my casual language. I get scared, I'll swear or if I killed suddenly, I swear. It's just funny, lol.
it depends on who I’m with. In general audiences I try not to use strong words unless I know the people are cool with it, but on here feel like it’s a bit different with the censorship. I think the autocensorship is mostly nice honestly and allows some expression while also making it more peaceful than other places.
I swear all the time in real life, but I usually don't swear online or around other people, just to be considerate.
When my father still lived with me and my mom before 2014, he would rage and swear and throw his Xbox controller at Call of Duty whenever he lost, which made me a little uncomfortable because I was a minor then, and I assumed I couldn't swear, even when I was a teenager.
Pretty often online and somewhat regularly irl for me
In real life, most of the time I mutter swears under my breath when I see something cool or something startles/surprises me but yeah at the end of the day, swears are just words to me!
Only online on certain sites that have more of an adult user presence or when I’m in therapy quoting verbatim what my now deceased abuser would often scream at me literally in my face. They were really horrible things that shouldn’t be said to anyone under any circumstances and talking about it helps me get through the trauma it has left me with.
I don't like certain curse words though -especially when it's describing people . I usually use it when I'm exasperated or frustrated. Or happy? I'm not sure.