Do you get along well with your family?

Do you get along with your family?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • No

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • It's complicated

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • I'm just here for confetti

    Votes: 5 16.7%

  • Total voters


Apr 5, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Enchanted Forest Scenery
Lily of the Valley
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Lily of the Valley
Enchanted Forest Scenery
Mother's Day Carnation
Mother's Day Carnation
Celeste Chick Plush
I had a big family weekend last week, and absolutely loved it! I'm very close to my parents, siblings and nieces and nephew, but I know I'm very lucky with them.
A lot of friends and even my bf have way more strained relationships with their family, so that's why I'm wondering...

How well do you get along with your family?
I'm not sure how to answer this. Somewhere in-between yes and no? It's not that bad, but they often don't understand me so it's not really the best experience.
My family is very small but I am very grateful that we are close. My son is my world. I am very close with my sister and nephews. I am very blessed 💜
I get along with my family I live with, although my mom and I are arguing all the time. For outsiders we look like fighting maybe and not getting along but it's not how we see it, we just like arguing and complain I guess. For the rest of the family, I never see them, I was getting along with some uncles and cousins close in age (until they got married) but some other relatives just make my blood boil and are always saying nasty stuff. I loved my elders but they all passed away.
just my parents and brother. maybe one of my aunts and uncles, but i'm pretty distant from everyone else. it's for good reason, but also unfortunate. wish we closer ngl. /:
Kind of, but I got along better with my mom when she was alive. Wishing I could just separate from everyone still in my life at the moment.
I’m very close with my parents and siblings, particularly my sister and eldest brother as well as their partners. Also have a very good relationship with my grandparents that are still around, my mums parents, who live very close to us.
My extended family is pretty small - mums only brother passed away a few years back and dad has two siblings, both with children. I’ve always got a long with my aunts, uncles and cousins but don’t see them much, half of them live in Canada so they’re bit of a way away 😄
Sometimes. There's been a couple times Mom has offered to buy me Chinese food. It's a trick. She has a cadillac margarita and vents about things for at least a half hour.
I get along with my family for the most part. I think the pandemic kinda set me back with how less I see my parents in general when we're all home by naturally caving myself in my room, but trying my best to change that.
I love my mom, but she tends to act dismissive, slightly rude, and a little ignorant around me sometimes, and that makes me not feel close to her as I thought, although we are still on friendly terms with each other.

I see my dad once or twice a week, since he hasn't been a part of my daily life anymore as he left the house when I was a really young teen. I used to not be close to him, we had a strained relationship. Now we get along better.
Not really? I mean, we can visit and eat together but too much time and it's an issue.
I guess it is just complicated.
immediate family, i'd say we get along? ish? i definitely butt heads with my mom a lot because she's the more vocal parent while my dad truly doesn't communicate anything with us. i'm super close with my sister, we got over that sibling fighting phase pretty early on and we do a lot together! i'm glad we got sorta matching tattoos as our first ones :3

i'm super close with my dad's side of the family, mostly because my aunts live about a 20-30 minutes drive from my place so growing up it was easy to visit all my cousins. even after they've moved out, we have a few family group chats that we frequently use (for plans, events, or memes)

i'd say i'm cordial? with majority of my family on my mom's side, i'm mostly closest with my one uncle's family that lives maybe an hour or so south of toronto. we very much grew up with them, the same way we grew up with my dad's side and we've had a whole bunch of events on my dad's side that they've joined in on. the rest of my mom's side is in boston or portland and i'm just not that close with them

the rest of the extended family (that i know of) are either back in the motherlands (laos and cambodia) or other countries
Despite some of the things I’ve posted, I’d say mostly yes, but there’s a lot of days where they keep annoying me. Some days where I genuinely don’t feel like being near any of them. But at worst, they’re just kind of annoying, and not abusive. I think my sister hates me at least a little bit though.

I also get along pretty well with my extended family.