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Do you have a hard time making new friends?

Do you have trouble making friends?

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 57.6%
  • No

    Votes: 16 17.4%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 23 25.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Oct 9, 2016
Throwback Tickets
I always seem to have trouble making friends when I meet new people, online and offline... Its probably because I'm awkward :S
Oh yes, for sure. I don't like being alone all the time, but whenever I hang out with someone new, I can't think of anything to say.
I don't work well with others. I find people tend to just get in the way. I have a couple of friends, and I'm content to keep it that way. Plus side, it leaves less people to hurt me.
I'm also really weird and have a certain sense of humor and thought process/views. I think my personality clashes with 99% of the population.
Massively so. I'm a very quite one person naturally, so I struggle in social situations. Going out makes me anxious, especially new places, so I struggle to meet people, I'm quiet and to myself at work. I accepted a long time ago I will never be one of those life of the party people but I often wish I found it easier to talk to people. I am quite awkward generally, especially if I'm not feeling well and just don't have the energy for conversation. Kind of a shame as when I was at school making friends seemed much easier. Somebody wouldnkist speak to you one day and the next they're tagging along with you. Shame things aren't as simple now :(
Okay this thread is making me feel heaps better -I literally have no friends and I feel like such a rubbish person because everyone around me manages to make friends so easily and I'm just over there by myself.
I don't have friends either and I'm horrible at making them. I'm awful at keeping a conversation and I don't have a lot of interests to discuss with people :s
Probably yes... I mean I'm not too shy but I have quite nerdy interests so yeah it's way easier online to find peeps rather than IRL lol. Also if I actually make IRL friends they tend to be way less nerdy and have more 'common' interests so that way we won't click anyways lol
I gave up trying to make friends many years ago. My family members are my friends, and I'm perfectly fine with that. Making friends has always been extremely hard for me.
Yah, I don't like many people and around the people that I would want to be friends with I can never think of anything to talk about.
yeah thx to my personality, social anxiety n tendency to avoid ppl lollll

started a new school two months ago
still havent made any new friends aaayyyyyy
I can make friends online if I have the time to. The problem is that I have work, play games with my husband and RL friends, keep house, etc. I can't commit to online friendships like I could when I was in college and high school. As much as I would like to, I just don't have enough hours in my day to balance deep relationships with online friends, and still do all the offline things I like to do.

Offline, it's harder for me to make friends. I have a few that I make through work, but those friendships can't get too personal until one of the friends leaves that place of work and moved halfway across the country. Too much risk involved that could end my career and leave a stain on my resume for years to come.
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I used to have trouble but now it's all good. When you're young and still in grade school sometimes the only thing you have in common with your peers is that you go to the same school. When you get older and get a job or go to university you find a lot more people with similar interests so making friends becomes much easier!
I seem to make friends just fine online, but I have trouble with it in real life. I am terribly awkward and shy in person, so it makes it hard. I'm ok with that though. I don't mind not having friends outside of work in real life. I am usually to tired to want to do anything anyway! ^-^
All my friends say the same thing, that at first they didn't really like me but after few more interactions their first impression about me was wrong. The most recent case of that being my best friends girlfriend who really didn't like me the first few times we met and then pretty much decided I was her favorite of his friends and that I'm 'lovely'.

This kinda does make it hard for me to make new friends since I'm very aware I tend to give a bad first impression, which if anything has only made me more shy around 'new' people or people I don't really see that often.
not really. i don't have problems making friends, it's probably because i'm very social. some people are harder to make friends with because i haven't really had the chance to talk to them, but they don't have a negative view of me so i think that's a win.
I wouldn't say I have a hard time making friends. I'm a really laid back person, I prefer saying at home on Friday nights playing video games, reading or sleeping instead of going out. When I meet new people, it's the same thing. I'm friendly to them, they can count on me for things, etc... etc... But I'm not going to be your typical friend. I won't make appointments to hang out, I won't try and do anything with you.
All the time. I'm way to quiet and awkward, people forget about me easily. It's kinda a miracle that one girl happened to wanted to be my friend. She gave me so many other friends and without her I would be sitting in the library, eating my lunch alone not actually reading the book in my hand because I need to look like im actually doing something. But I have made 1 friend all by myself which I am quite proud of. She has quite a lot of the same interests as me and I feel like we're really starting to click now.

As for internet friends, it's just as bad. It just feels so awkward and I talked to no one on my first uhh till a few days ago >.<
Geez I'm hopeless

i didnt mean to turn this into my life story, sorry
People seem to like me more than I like them. Irl though. Online, I'm perfectly fine, because it isn't some face-face thing. But irl I get super uncomfortable, and awkward, but I seemed to be that person that nobody has beef with, and some people really like. Although I'm pretty sure most of those people who liked me were using me.