Do you have a hard time making new friends?

Do you have trouble making friends?

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 57.6%
  • No

    Votes: 16 17.4%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 23 25.0%

  • Total voters
Uh huh.
There's this really cute girl that I met a few days ago who is in the year above me.. But I'm too awkward to make conversation =S=
I don't even know what to say!
yes very. It takes a very long time for me to fully open up to someone and I don't really engage in conversation all that often. I'm generally the kind of person who waits for someone else to speak to me rather than starting the conversation myself. I'm into all of this niche stuff and I'm not knowledgeable in many popular things so it's hard for me to relate with anyone at school besides my few friends. I'm so quiet too so not many people approach me anyways. also im super awkward ahaha...
i do well with people when im forced into a social setting, my problem is outside of those settings i tend to isolate myself a lot / lose a solid communication with people.

i have many acquaintances online and offline- but very few i consider to be actual friends. maybe i'm just an *******.
not really, i make new friends pretty easily bc im a chill person to talk to even tho i seem savage online
YEs but honestly I have one friend who I became friends with aged 5 so yes I have a hard time making new friends.
Oh and my family are like my best friends, I don't know anyone else my age who would rather go into town with their mum and sister rather than their friend
Definetly. I have such a hard time trying to conversate with new people. At school it feels like very one around me has someone to talk to and I just walk alone. And honestly, I like it that way.
No not really! Although I don't really have too many internet friends lmao, I tend to stick to irl friends because of that
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Sometimes I have trouble making friends. I'm acquaintances with almost everyone at school, I guess you could say we're all semi-good-ish friends. There are a few people, though, that are my actual friends. Two to be exact. Just two. When I figure out who I want to be friends with, I sort everyone into two groups: nice and mean. I ignore the meaner people. Then I figure out which people that I want to hang out with. It takes a while, but I find at least one person. This system proves to be slightly ineffective as I had discovered that one of my friends was abusive and I hadn't realized it until two years since we first became friends.
Kind of. I really have a hard time with coming up with things to say, but after the initial introduction/conversation things usually are fine for me.
No, because I don't try.

Friends come naturally for me, people tend to make friends with me rather than me making friends with them and if I'm being honest, I like it that way its nice to know I'm normal in some peoples view and I like how they understand and respect me. < This is what makes me feel like I have a true friend.
yes mostly because i dont go outside as much as i should, and even when i do im very quiet and prefer not to talk to anybody unless i have to.
yes. there's a reason im alone for lunch and 3 class periods
I haven't made new friends since the second year of high school, and that's so 2011. I haven't even stayed in touch with them anymore, they hardly approach me these days even if I had a lot of time. I wish I could open up to them more since I am depressed... wait. Depression made me lose friends, because it made me a weirdo, a fish out of the water.
It really depends

I have a very easy time making regular friends and acquaintinces. I can easily strike a conversation and talk with a lot of people regardless of personality.

I have a bit of a hard time making lots of close friends however, but I am completely content with the close friends I have now.

I would say overall I don't find it hard to make friends.
Fortunately no. I easily make new friends, since I'm seriously not shy at all, and love being social and happy. Now I don't hang out with my friends too much, but still. That doesn't change the fact that I easily make friends. :)
All the times I have made friends either they started the conversation that sparked the friend ship, or someone I was already friends with (see situation one) introduced me to the other friends and so I befriended them... I can't really make friends on my own I don't know why, I sure wish I could.
Nope! Love talking to people and making conversation. I'm pretty fluid and have a wide range of tastes so I get along with most people well. Of course there is always those who just don't want to be friends or talk so they usually ignore me lol.
Yep, it's kinda difficult, both in real life and online. I rarely make initiatives or try to talk to people. Most of the time I just feel no need or want to do that. I don't mind chatting with a person if they're the one making the initiative, but I'm most likely not going to do it myself nor join a conversation other people are having. Since people don't come up to me often, I don't really make friends or acquaintances.

I can sometimes make an initiative if I feel like it / it's a suitable one on one situation but those don't happen often. School is pretty much the only place where I meet people and most people there hang out in groups. There aren't many possibilities to get to know anyone one on one. And even if I manage get to know someone in the first place, there's the problem of keeping in contact. I don't often feel any need to start a conversation so if the other person's not doing it either, it can be difficult to stay in touch. Either I'm just not that social, it takes a lot for me to become active, or I haven't hit off with most people I've met. I honestly don't know. :| Either way, I do still like having friends. It'd be nice to have someone with whom I could hang out outside of school.