Do you have all personality types living on my Island?

I don't have a jock, none of them suit my island. I was hoping one of the Sanrio villagers would be a jock but I guess I'll just have to do without one. I did have one temporarily to get the best friend reaction, and I didn't love the dialogue anyways.
There are some personalities that I just can't vibe with. Peppy's are very annoying as are smugs and jocks. I let go of Pietro because he just has the most dull personality which is unfortunate because he's such a star.

I am strongly considering moving Coach out who I love but the jock personality also doesn't vibe with me and he has that lame wooden block starter house and I feel bad that he can't be in his real house with all the things he loves. So I think I'll get him out of there, though I do have his amiibo so I can bring him back.

I'm currently trying to move 3 villagers out, I'm trying to get Coach, Ruby, and Cookie moved out. Once they move out I will have no peppys, smugs, or jocks.

I am tempted to get Hornsby but that would be FOUR lazy villagers and i feel like that's too much lol

I have majority of the recipes and reactions so i don't feel like it's worth keeping around a villager that doesn't bring anything to the table for me.
Typically, I try to maintain at least one villager of each personality type on my island at all times. It keeps the dialogue from getting repetitive, and it's interesting to unlock new conversations that villagers of different personalities can have with each other. It helps with getting new recipes and reactions, too, if those are things you're still looking to do!

Right now, I have one of each, with the two extra slots belonging to normal villagers.
I usually have one of each personality on both islands. Right now Serenity is missing a peppy, jock and smug. Jurai is missing a smug and jock.
I don't have a jock, didn't have one since Kevin who was one of my starters. I would love to invite Antonio to live on my island since he is one of only two villagers fitting the two criterias I have for jocks (they have to look the part without being ugly to me and actually work out a.k.a. have the fitness-hobby), but my island is full and I wouldn't know whom to let go of. I was considering to replace Gloria with Antonio, but then she started to be extra cute and quickly became one my favorites 😅 I guess the most logical thing to do would be to let go of one of my two peppy cats, but I Tabby has the cutest house and I just built her her own pumpkin patch and she is really charming and there is no way that I'm ever going to let go of Felicity. So it doesn't look like I will have a jock any time soon.
Right now I'm missing a sisterly villager. I do like to have all personnality types though :)
I always have all of them and no more than two of the same personality :)
Yep, I have all personality types on my island. I prefer the variety.
for me it's really important to have all the villager personalities to get all the reactions, diys and to keep things balanced and fresh. before I started my island I picked all the villagers I wanted, including every personality which helped a lot.

I love the normal villagers a lot and have three of them and I don't even like some of the other personalities that much but I still think it's better to have every personality on your island
I wouldn't be able to stand it if I didn't! I was actually kind of stunned when I realized some people don't, lol. I've always made sure to have at least one villager of every personality in all my AC games to date, in ACNH I always make sure to have one of each + 1 extra boy and 1 extra girl.

I feel like I see a lot of people who say they don't have sisterlies because they don't like any of them, and that always makes me sad! They're my favorite personality and some of my top favorite villager are sisterly ones ☺
I do! as much as I can I try to have one of every personality type at all times, both for the sake of variety of conversation and for general variety of villagers!
yes! i always have at least one of each personality, and then no more than 2 of one so the dialogue doesn't get too stale. i even go as far as to try and make sure the doubles have different subtypes.
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Not at the moment. I don't have a jock or sisterly villager. I do have 3 normies (they are my weakness, I think most of them are adorable), two Snooties, and two lazies. I'll be letting one of my Snooties go once I earn her picture (again, she gave it to me and I accidentally sold it 😭) maybe then I'll try to find a jock or Agnes (the only sisterly I'm interested in right now). I really want Shep or Marshall, tho, even tho I don't like their personality type. Or Maple or Poppy, except that's way too many normies. 😬
I like having at least one of each personality type on my island to keep the dialogue as diverse as possible! and for the same reason I try not to have more than two of the same personality type. I never talk to my jocks since I find their dialogue repetitive/boring but I just like the idea of having all of the personalities represented on the island.
Up until my latest island renovations for Muir Wood, I've always liked having one of each personality for variety? But honestly, since I've had all of the reactions for so long, it doesn't feel so important anymore, so this last time round, I no longer have an uchi / sisterly villager or a jock villager. Instead, I have 3 normals (Maple, Poppy, and Lily -- I am weak and basic and a sucker for their designs), 2 smugs (Henry and Marshal), and 2 lazies (Marty and Bones).

I just finished amiiboing the last of them in today so I can't speak for long-term, but so far no regrets.
I have every personality type on my island besides cranky. Iv'e tried having them on my island before (with Static and Dobie) but they don't mesh well with my other personality types like Smug, Peppy, and Jock. I have 3 Snooty's, 2 Lazy's, 1 Sisterly, 1 Jock, 1 Normal, and 2 Smug's.
I have all the personalities on my island to diversify the dialogue.
I have all personalities on my island. It would be too repetitive otherwise.