Do you have all personality types living on my Island?

I do indeed have at least one of every personality represented on my island.

Residents in my Animal Crossing games are chosen based on a combination of how much I like their design and how well they fit the theme of the town/island. I start the process by figuring out what the theme of the town or island is going to be, then choose the villagers who best fit that theme. Personality is a secondary, albeit still important, factor. In New Leaf it's important up until the point you've acquired all of the Public Works Project suggestions that each individual personality exclusively offer, at which point they can become expendable depending on who the villager is and how attached I am to them. In New Horizons, the same thing applies but in regards to the Reactions. However, I find it to be a bit more important in New Horizons than in New Leaf to keep at least one of every personality because I find the repeat dialogue for two villagers of the same personality to be more bothersome in New Horizons.

All that said, the Sisterly villager slot is definitely the weakest link on my island. None of the Sisterly villagers really fit my island's theme as well as other villagers might, but I keep Diva around anyhow for the dialogue diversity, as well as because her house at least sort of works with the theme (albeit a bit redundant considering I also have Ankha, whose character design is way more relevant and whose house is similar) and because she was the last holdover from my original planned resident list before I came up with my island's theme and the resident list radically changed.
I did for a little while but I seem to have a hard time keeping cranky and sisterly villagers on my island. I had the same problem with Jocks too until Dom finally decided to show up
Me I’m missing a few. I think I don’t have peppy, or jock. I don’t mind not having those. The normal and peppy talk very similar. The villagers who have fitness as their hobbies also are very similar to jocks. I have a few with fitness hobbies, so I feel like those are my jocks. Mathilda, Rodeo, and Curt are always exercising at the plaza.
ive never had a town or island with all villager types before

actually, all my towns have only had boy villagers, smug, cranky, lazy, and jock, and i plan on doing the same for my island. hm, wonder why? 🤔

i don’t really need all villager types so i don’t mind! ive only ever had them in towns in previous games to get the PWP’s and then immediately moved them out. since there aren’t any PWP’s in NH, i have no need to do that, and i move out all the villagers i don’t want on my island until i get all my dreamies
I tried to have at least one of each in the beginning to get the reactions associated with their personality. After getting them I tend to let villagers that aren't permanent go. Like for example I recently brought on Vladimir to get the cranky reactions but when I get those and his photo I'll probably move on. Once most of the reactions were satisfied I brought in villagers I liked, even if I had 1-2 of their personality type already.
I have all except for Jock and Lazy. I'm sorry I just don't like their personalities. Jocks brag about their muscles/workout, and lazy villagers talk nothing about food and their "bug friends" (seriously who even talks like that?)
I personally only have Cranky, Jock, Smug, and Lazy, the majority of my island is Smug because its my favorite personality, I also wanted an island with only male villagers

If you ask me, its more for a variety in dialogue and genders. if you wanted to have all personalities, then you would definitely get different dialogue

But I personally don't get bored of my boys interactions, I don't find them boring. So in my opinion the only thing that really seperates the types, is gender. Because their basically counter parts.

Other wise Id say all villagers behave exactly the same: all go fishing, give you gifts, ask for bugs.

If you want a fussy villager you could go either Snooty or/and Cranky. You want a perky villager go for peppy or/and smug. Want a chill villager lazy or/and Normal. Jocks treat you like a sisterly does. Their basically the same, which is why there is exactly eight different personalities. Different titles, slight slight dialogue, and genders. But if you want a cat you can find cute kitties in all personalities. But most are just counterparts of genders, just instead of talking about being a pop star like a peppy, a smug talks about wanting to be a movie star. Their both just as enthused.

Other then that, I'd say all of them are just counterparts of genders, and unless you get bored of dialogue, you should just have the villagers you love, and not worry about that :)
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I don't have Uchi or Jock on my island currently.

I would like to have a Uchi villager, but I don't have anyone I would like to kick out at the moment. But whenever I can, I want to have Pashmina, because I think she's adorable.

Jocks are honestly the worst personality for me personally, which is a shame because there are a few cuties like Teddy, Billy, Boots, Bill... But the way the jocks are, I just can't have them on my island.

I mostly just fill my island with my favourite personalities which would be Lazy, Normal and Cranky. I'm not too fussed about having one of each. It doesn't really do anything for me. It's more about which villagers I really like and what their houses are gonna look like. xD
Typically, yes. I think I could have two of normals and crankies or snooties long term, or 3 normals, but I hate missing a personality type. It gets tok repetitive to me, especially with the peppies and jocks which I only like in small doses. Right now I am missing a smug and am working on getting one back, and wow do I miss that variation in personality.

I remember a super popular dream town in NL that had like 5 normals, 4 peppies, and 1 lazy. I definitely could never do that. I like having all personalities or I get bored.
I am missing smug and snooty. I actually love the smug personality but I let Henry move and now I can’t seem to find another smug I like... I might invite him back in 🤔 I also recently let go of my only snooty. I used to love their personalities back in NL but in this game they are soooooo booooooooring 🙄 It’s like a “fancy” normal villager and I am NOT feeling it. I wish they had stuck to the snooty personality- they weren’t mean in NL! I don’t understand why they made them so blannnnd.
I have all the personality types on my island. Never was a priority in previous games, but the personalities are so watered down in NH I felt I had to. The dialogue is just too repetitive to have a bunch of Lazy/Cranky villagers (despite some of my fav villagers being this type). It's a shame.
I don’t have a sisterly atm, but I don’t feel the need to move one in! I don’t like most the sisterly character designs and they don’t really suit my island theme either.
My island is:
Grizzly - Cranky
Kyle - Smug
Raymond - Smug
Erik - Lazy
Vivian - Snooty
Mac - Jock
Roald - Jock
Fauna - Normal
Groucho - Cranky
Audie - Snooty

so i'm missing sisterly and peppy! but i'm happy with my island :)
I previously did and am usually one to try and have at least one of every personality.
However, at the moment, I am missing a sisterly villager. Which is sad, because I genuinely think the personality has been improved since its debut in NL. I thought it mostly stemmed from most of the sisterly villagers not fitting my aviary theme (Only Phoebe, Flo, and Plucky worked), but even having queen Reneigh on my island just didn't do it for me.
So now I have two lazies, two snooties, and two normals. I didn't ever envision having multiple normals, since they are the most watered down/bland of all the personalities, but I actually have found it kind of refreshing. My new normal, Midge, is super cute and I've already started to be able to differentiate her somewhat from my other normal, Molly.
I have all the personality types on my island, mostly because when you have different personalities, there are different conversations.

If you only have a mixture of normal and peppy, the conversations get very repetitive and boring after a while.
Right now I don’t have a cranky which is sooo sad. But I can’t bare to let any of my long time residents go. I have 3 lazies and I love them all so much. However Erik is clashing with my tropical theme so maybe he has to go :( but he’s a favorite urgh. Maybe having him move to my second island is a compromise lol.
Now I only need to figure out which cranky goes well with my tropicore island lol
Ugh. I really like all having all of the personality types but I also really love a lot of the normal villagers. I just hate the duplicate dialogue. I wish they made sub personality types.
Presently, yes. But my final set of dreamies mean that I'll be lacking a normal villager, unfortunately. Still, I won't get to that stage for a long time.
I miss most of the time a normal villager on my island. The problem is that there's not really a normal one who I like so much to keep or who would fit to my island's theme (the only exception would be Chelsea, who however is also not permanently staying). At some point, I do try to have at least for a while all personalities together to get all the reactions I want until I start to replace them with villagers I like more.
I personally have to have one of every type. I typically have two snootys/normals and two crankys at a time in addition since they’re my faves but I’m gonna switch it up with peppies and lazies to see how they interact.