Do you have all personality types living on my Island?

definitely not lol, i'm a big sucker for lazy, cranky, and smug villagers (filbert, punchy, pietro, marshal, dobie, chief are on my island, but also deciding whether or not to get fang), so i don't have any normal or uchi villagers ;; kinda sad that i don't have lolly, so that's subject to change later on!
The only villager personality type I don't have is cranky, which that is my least favorite. As of now, I go to the villagers I like, based on personality and design.
I do, since I prefer having all personality types on my island. It makes things more diverse and it does make the dialogue more varied by having all the personalities around.
Right now missing a jock. But I'm not in a hurry to let go of anyone of my currrent villagers.
Only the ones I like. So currently no lazy and I also went without a snooty for a long time. I just cant deal with hearing about bugs all the time anymore.. jocks are also kinda dull but I love Pierce so he has to stay. I have 4 peppies which is a bit much but I love them xD
I don't have any uchi or jock villagers on my island and currently have no plans to find any, overall they're my least favourite personalities and there aren't really any villagers with those personalities that I like enough to want on my island and I'm not as interested in collecting the few reactions I'm missing. I have quite an even mixture of all the other personalities, keeping to a maximum of two villagers for any one, to try and keep the dialogue as varied as possible but it wouldn't really bother me anymore if I had more of one personality as I don't always read all the dialogue now that I've seen most of it before so don't think I'd notice the repetitiveness of it the same now.
I'm so drawn to lazies and smugs. It's a real problem. I want to have diversity but if I'm being honest theres only a few others I like. The only cranky I like is Roscoe. And I only recently found Apple.
I have mostly smug, sister and jock types on my island I want to start going to mystery islands and try to collect all the types for my island.
I like to have at least one of each and will always do that, of course I decided to get my favs of each personality type, so I have one of each eight personalty types, and then the last two spots go to my other fav villagers.
On Natsukashi I have all of the personality types. Since this is my main island I tried to have all so I could get all possible emotes and recipes.

My secondary island, Willowisp, has alot of smugs. Like, 3. 2 crankies, 1 peppy, 1 jock and 1 lazy. I'm not sure if the last two will stay, who is a normal and I forget the other. I wanted to quickly get all my dreamies so I could start renovating asap, since I already knew what theme I wanted for this island, unlike Natsukashi in the beginning.
In new leaf I did my best to have one of every personality, although I never did find a uchi that I liked I felt I had to keep one anyway. This time round I’ve just gone with whoever I like so I don’t currently have an uchi and haven’t had a perma one since I started NH. I tried renneigh as I do think she’s pretty but I never was a fan of the bigger animals unfortunately.

I’m waiting for a muffy amiibo to arrive and then I’ll possibly try her on my island. She fits in with some other villagers I have and I much prefer the sheep now since they have shirts and not scarves

There’s obviously a chance I won’t be able to take to her and in this instance I’ll be happy enough to continue without an uchi. I have one of each of the other personalities and double lazy/normal
I had every type but jock for a long time, but after the Sanrio release I just gave up and succumbed to having 500 normal villagers forever
I'm trying to, but I just can't stand jocks. All of the other villager's personality types are based on personality traits, whereas jocks are based on a hobby, so they only talk about one thing and it's like working out is their personality. I find them so annoying. But I might bite the bullet for the sake of lessening the chance of repeating dialogue, as I find it a bit disheartening when my villagers all just say the same thing, because they're the same personality types....
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I also just love too many smug and normal/sweet villagers, heh. I have at least 3 or 4 normals, and Marshal and Julian are never ever leaving me even if they act like they share a braincell
I always have one of each personality in my games. This time i chose to only have 8 villagers so that i wouldnt have repeats.
I try to have every personality. For the mere reason I just get tired of the same dialogue from many characters.
I do not. I want to have all the personality types but I find that a lot of my absolute favourite villagers, design wise, tend to overlap with personalities! I really wish we could have 12 villagers just so I could round things out, lol. At the moment I have:

-One grumpy (Murphy, he is so cute)
-Two normals (Kiki & Lolly! Lolly gave me her picture so I might let her move soon because I'd love to have Molly one day. I find Lolly & Kiki will say the same dialogue back to back and it get's tiresome but their designs are so cute)
-One peppy (Gabi! She is adorable I love her to bits)
-Two snooties (Diana & Whitney. I love them both and unlike Kiki & Lolly I don't find them to be as repetitive!)
-Two lazies (Egbert & Sherb. I think they're both adorable and I could maybe see letting Sherb move once I get his picture but Egbert is a forever friend, lol)
-One uchi/sisterly (Phoebe)
-One jock (Bam)

I could see myself letting Phoebe go once I get her picture because I like her the least. I don't really enjoy the sisterly personality and would rather have a smug, honestly. I've had Phoebe since day one though so I feel like I should put more effort into getting her picture before she moves away! I find it tricky deciding what villagers I want to have on my island. In New Horizons I find the dialogue to be especially lacking so I don't talk to my villagers tons. I tend to keep them around more on the basis of who I think looks the cutest running around my island 😅 Which sounds so mean! But if I'm not really going to talk to them anyways and there's no risk of them randomly leaving then I'd rather have cute villagers. 🤷‍♀️
I’m missing a smug. It might be nice to have one, but I don’t want to let any of my current villagers go, and I’m already at the limit. With twelve villagers instead of ten, j think I could balance things out a bit better, but as it stands, I’ll probably just stick with seven personality types. The dialogue does get a bit repetitive with the duplicates, but they’re all animals I like, and the dialogue variety isn’t that great anyway.

I’ve noticed that I don’t like moving animals in and out if I don’t have to. The only move I’ve allowed so far was Chops, my forced campsite smug. I think I moved my final animal in mid-summer, and I’ve stuck with the same group since then.
It just feels off without all personalities around. Not that I miss them, its just that without every type present you have an overload of the rest. When I was missing a big sister type I had 3 peppy villagers and the 24/7 popstar talk was a bit much.
i would be ok with not having every personality type, but i truly love them all!! every duplicate i've had also just seems so different than the others for some reason. except for cranky, those usually tend to seem the same for me. they're probably my least favorite personality type, but i also haven't had very many i really was attached to, so that's probably it. i really love new horizons dialogue though, even if it is a bit lacking. i've been playing the game for almost a year now and i still get brand new dialogue almost every day! and all my villagers are just so cute <3